Mani Matter Ds Heidi english translation
Mani Matter Ds Heidi song lyrics
Mani Matter Ds Heidi translation
Är wohnt a dr glyche Gass
He lives in the same alley
Und i bi mit dir i d'Klass
And at school we were in the same class
So ischs cho, das mir grad beidi
So it came about that both of us
Ds Härz a di verlore hei
Have lost ther hart
Heidi, mir wei di beidi
Heidi, both of us want you
Beidi, Heidi, hei di gärn
Both of us, Heidi, like you
Är isch grosse Held im Sport
He is a hero in Sports
I probieres meh mit Wort
I try it more with words
Jeden uf sy Art umwärbe
Each one of us is wooing
Mir di, Heidi, ig und är
You, heidi, his way, Me and him,
Heidi, mir wei di beidi
Heidi, both of us want you
Beidi, Heidi, hei di gärn
Both of us, Heidi, like you
Zum Bewys är heig di gärn
To prove that he likes you
Schiesst är Gool bi FC Bärn
He scores goals for the Football Club of Berne
Ig erkläre mi dir schlicht
I explain myself to you modestly
I Form vo lyrische Gedicht
With a lyrical poem
Heidi, mir wei di beidi
Heidi, both of us want you
Beidi, Heidi, hei di gärn
Both of us, Heidi, like you
Jede Sunntig dänksch am Mätsch
Each Sunday you think at the football ground
Är syg dä wo d'lieber hätsch
That he is the one you would rather have
Findsch daheim vo mir e Brief
At home you find a letter from me
De chehrt sech ds Blatt, du süfzgisch tief
That turns it all around, you are sighing deeply
Heidi, mir wei di beidi
Heidi, both of us want you
Beidi, Heidi, hei di gärn
Both of us, Heidi, like you
S'het nid chönne wytergah
It could not go on like this
Hesch nid beidi chönne ha
You could not have both of us
Schliesslech hei du är und i gseit
Finally he and I said
Heidi, jitz entschliessisch di
Heidi, make up your mind,
Heidi, entscheid di, beidi
Heidi, make up your mind, both of us
Wei di, beidi chasch nid ha
Want you, both of us you cannot have
Hätti gwüsst wis usechunnt
Had I known how it turns out
Einisch ire schwache Stund
Once in a weak hour
Hesch du di verlobt, s'isch zvil
You got engaged, it's too much,
Mit ihm am Sunntig nach em Spil
To him, on Sunday after the game
Nei, di Entscheidig, Heidi
No, your decision, Heidi
Nei dy Bscheid - i bi enttüüscht
No your explanation - I am disappointed
Dadrus han i glehrt, dass hütt
From this I learnt, that nowadays
Nümm so vil erreicht, wär d'Lüt
You are not as successful frightning people
Mit Literatur erchlüpft
With literature
Wi wär a ds rächten Ort hi stüpft
As with kicking the ball to the right spot