Mani Matter Dynamit english translation

Mani Matter Dynamit song lyrics
Mani Matter Dynamit translation
Einisch ir Nacht won i spät no bi gloffe
Once, late at night as I was walking
D'Bundesterrasse z'düruf gäge hei
Up the terrace of the of the Federal Government building
Han i e bärtige Kärli atroffe
I met a bearded bloke
Und gseh grad, dass dä sech dert, jemers nei
And just watched as he o my god,
Dass sech dä dert zu nachtschlafener Zyt
As he deep at night
Am Bundeshus z'schaffe macht mit Dynamit
Was handling with some dynamite at the Federal Government building

I bi erchlüpft und ha zuen ihm gseit: Säget
I was startled and said to him: Excuse me,
Exgüse, aber es gseht fasch so us
Tell me, but it looks like
Wi dass dir da jitze würklech erwäget
You really want to blow up
Das grad id Luft welle z'spränge das Hus
To blow up in the air the building
Ja, seit dä Ma mir mit Für, es mues sy
Yes, the man said on fire
Furt mit däm Ghütt, i bi für d'Anarchie
Away with this damned building
Was isch als Bürger mir da übrigblybe
What other choice did I have as a citizen
Als ihm's probiere uszrede, i ha
Than to talk him out of it, I tried
Ihm afa d'Vorteile alli beschrybe
To list him all the advantages
Vo üsem Staat, eso guet dass i cha
Of our state, as good as I could
Ds Rütli und d'Freiheit und d'Demokratie
The RUETLI meadow, freedom and democracy
Han i beschworen, är sölls doch la sy
I begged him he should let it be

D'Angscht het mys Rednertalänt la entfalte
Out of fear I showed my communication skills
Chüel het dr Wind um üs gwäit i dr Nacht
A chilly wind blowing around us that night
Während ig ihm en Ouguschtred ha ghalte
As I was having a National day speech
Dass es es Ross patriotisch hätt gmacht
That even a horse would have become a patriot
Zletscht hei dä Ma mini Wort so berückt
Finally my words made this man so sad
Dass är e Tränen im Oug het verdrückt
That he shed some tears in his eye
So han i schliesslech dr Staat chönne rette
So I was able to save our nation
Är isch mit sym Dynamit wieder hei
As he went home with the dynamite
Und i ha mir a däm Abe im Bett en
And that night, in my bed
Orde zuegsproche für my ganz allei
I gave a honorary medal to me, just to me
Glunge isch nume, dass zmonderischt scho
The funny thing is that the other day
Über mi Red mir du Zwyfel si cho
I started to have some doubts

Han ig ihm d'Schwyz o mit Rächt eso prise
Did I praise Switzerland to him justifiyably
Fragen i mi no bis hüt hindedry
I still question myself up to today
Und no uf eis het dä Ma mi higwise
And there was another thing this man pointed out to me
Louf i am Bundeshus sider verby
When I am passing by the Federal Government building
Mues i gäng dänke, s'steit numen uf Zyt
I always have to think, it is tere only temporairily
S'länge fürs z'spränge paar Seck Dynamit
To blow it up just a bag of dynamite is needed