Mani Matter Hemmige english translation
Mani Matter Hemmige song lyrics
Mani Matter Hemmige translation
s'git lüt, die würden alletwäge nie
There are people who will probably never
es lied vorsinge, so win ig jitz hie
Sing a song how I do it right now
eis singen um kei prys, nei bhüetis nei
Sing a song, by all means, oh my god
wil si hemmige hei
Because they feel inhibited
si wäre vilicht gärn im grund gno fräch
Maybe they would like to be more outspoken
und dänke, das syg ires grosse päch
And they think, what a shame
und s'laschtet uf ne win e schwäre stei
And it weighs ike a burden on their shoulders
dass si hemmige hei
That they feel inhibited
i weis, das macht eim heiss, verschlat eim d'stimm
I know, this makes you sweat, you lose your voice
doch dünkt eim mängisch o s'syg nüt so schlimm
However sometimes you think it is not that bad
s'isch glych es glück, o we mirs gar nid wei
We are still fortunate, even if we have not asked for it
das mir hemmige hei
Taht we have inhibitions
was unterscheidet d'mönsche vom schimpans
What is the difference between man and the Chimpanzee?
s'isch nid die glatti hut, dr fählend schwanz
It is not the smooth skin, nor the missing tail
nid dass mir schlächter d'böim ufchöme, nei
Not that we are worse in climbing up a tree
dass mir hemmige hei
It is the inhibitions
me stell sech d'manne vor, wenns anders wär
Just imagine males how it would be
und s'chäm es hübsches meiteli derhär
When a pretty girl came along
jitz luege mir doch höchstens chly uf d'bei
Now we just have a quick glance at her legs
wil mir hemmige hei
Because we feel inhibited
und we me gseht, was hütt dr mönschheit droht
And if one sees, what would happen to the world
so gseht me würklech schwarz, nid nume rot
Then you really see black, not just red
und was me no cha hoffen isch alei
And you can only hope
dass si hemmige hei
That they feel inhibited