Mani Matter Dr Parkingmeter english translation
Mani Matter Dr Parkingmeter song lyrics
Mani Matter Dr Parkingmeter translation
bimne parkingmeter ha
Byy the parkingmeter I
ni mys outo welle la
Wanted to park my car
aber ha kes zwänzgi gha
But I did not have a 20-cent coin
für bim gältschlitz ynezla
To put into the slot of the parking meter
ja was machen ig jitz da
So what I am going to do
hani tänkt, i chönnti ja
I thought, I could
schnäll zur poscht am egge gah
Quickly go to the post office round a corner
mir es zwänzgi wächsle la
And get small change
aber halt, de müesst i ja
But stop, for that I would
chönne ds outo hie la stah
Have to park my car
und zu däm zwäck müesst i da
And for this purpose I
zersch es zwänzgi ynela
Need a 20 cent coin
und es zwänzgi han i ja
And a 20 cent coin I
äbe nid, i müessti da
Do not have, I would have
zersch zur poscht am egge gah
To go to the post office at the corner
und mys outo hie la stah
And leave my car over here
und für ds outo hie la z'stah
And for leaving my car here
müesst i zersch es zwänzgi ha
I should first have a20 cent coin
und das isch was i nid ha
And that just what I do not have
wen i nid uf d'poscht cha gah
If I cannot go to the post office
zwar uf d'poscht müesst i nid gah
Though I would not have to go to the post office
wen i ds zwänzgi hätt, doch da
If I had 20 cents, however as
i das zwänzgi ja nid ha
I do not havea 20 enct coin
chan i ds outo nid la stah
Ich cannot leave my car here
und i cha kes zwänzgi ha
And I cannot have 20 cents
wil i nid uf d'poscht cha gah
Bec ause Icannot go to the post office
und uf d'poscht chan i nid gah
And to the post office I cannot go
wil i ja kes zwänzgi ha
Because I haven't got a 20 cent coin
bimne parkingmeter ha
Byy the parkingmeter I
ni mys outo welle la
Wanted to park my car
aber ha kes zwänzgi gha
But I did not have a 20-cent coin
und ha wider müesse gah
So I had to leave again