Mani Matter Dr Noah english translation
Mani Matter Dr Noah song lyrics
Mani Matter Dr Noah translation
Lang ischs här da het mol eine öppis afa boue
Long ago, once upn a time, someone had started to construct something
öppis wie ne grosse chaschte de lüt wo si cho gschoue
Something like a big cupboard, people who came watching
hei ne gfragt was sel das gäh es Schiff het dise gseit
Asked him what he was doing, "a barge, I am going to build" he said
aber sisch keis meer gsi und kei See dert wiit und breit
However there was no ocean and no lake , far and wide
Und me begrifft das d'lüüt hei gseit däm Maa däm spinnts
And you understand that people said: "this man is crazy"
Und si hei d'chöpf ersch rächt gschüttlet wo das Schiff do später
And they shook their heads even more when the barge's
het e längi übercho gar vo drüühundert Meter
Length reached 300 m,
füfzig Meter breiti drissig höchi und do noh
It's width 50 m and it's height 30 m and then
sitlich i dr Wand e grossi Tüüre dri isch cho
To the side a huge door was built
Und si hei ne gseh its Schiff näh Löie und Giraffe
And they saw him taking into the ship lions, and Giraffes
Nachtigalle Zebra Elefante Söi und Affe
Nightingales, Zebra, Elefants, pigsa ndapes
Schlange Chüe Rhinozeros Gazälle Dromedar
Snake Cows, Rhino, Gazelles Camels
Känguru und Kolibri vo allem gäng es Paar
Kangaroo and Kolibri bird and of each spezies always a pair
Und wo d'Tier si drin gsi isch är sälber de mit sine
And as the animals were inside, the man himself toghether with
Söhn und sire Frou und sine Schwigertöchter ine
His sons, his wife and the daughters-in-law got into the barge
d'Lüt hei sich versammlet und g'holleiet usse draa
As people assembled outside the barge and had a laugh
wo n'är hinter sich die grossi Tüüre zu het daa
When he shot the huge door behind him
Aber druuf hets afa rägne wie no nie uf Ärde
However, shortly after it started to rain on earth like never before
langsam het me d'fluet gseh schtige und gäng höcher wärde
The floods grew higher and higher,
mau noh het dr Maa im Schiff ghört rüefe löht üs drii
Once the man heard the people outside shouting "let us in"
aber gli isch zäntume ne totestilli gsii
But soon after ther was a deadly silence