Mani Matter Dr Alpeflug english translation

Mani Matter Dr Alpeflug song lyrics
Mani Matter Dr Alpeflug translation
S'sy zwee Fründen im ne Sportflugzüg
Two friends in sports airplane
En Alpeflug ga mache
Were going on an alpine flight
Flügen ufe zu de Gipflen und
Flying up to the peaks and
Z'dürab de Gletscher nache
Down following the glaciers
Hinde sitzt dr Passagier
The passanger sitting in the back
Dä wo stüüret, dä sitzt vor
The one who steers in front
Und es ratteret und brummet
And buzzing and rumbling
Um sen ume dr Motor
Around them is the motor
Da rüeft dä, wo hinde sitzt:
Then the guy in the back starts yelling:
Lue, ds Bänzin geit us, muesch lande!
Watch the fuel is running out we need to land!
Wie? Was seisch? rüeft dr Pilot
What? What are you saying? yells the pilot
Los, i ha di nid verstande
Listen, I didn't hear you
Wie? Was hesch gseit? rüeft dä hinde
What? What did you say? yells the one in the back
Warum landisch nid sofort?
Why aren't you landing immediately?
Red doch lüter, rüeft dä vorne
Talk louader, yells the one in front
Bi däm Krach ghör i kes wort
In this noise I can't hear a word
I versta's nid, rüeft dä hinde
I don't understand, yells the one in the back
Warum machsch's nid? Bisch drgäge?
Why aren't you landing? Are you against it?
I versta's nid, rüeft dä vorne
I don't understand, yells the on in front
Muesch mer's würklech lüter säge!
You really have to talk louder!
Wie? Was seisch? rüeft dise, lue
What? What are you saying? yells that one, look
Dr Tank isch läär, du flügsch nümm wyt!
The tank is empty, you won't fly faar!
Los, bi däm Mordstonnerslärme
Listen, in that damn thundering noise
Rüeft dä vorne, ghör i nüt
Is yelling the one in front, I can't hear anything
Aber los doch, rüeft dä hinde
But listen, yells the one in the back
Gottfridstutz mir hei nid d'Weli
God dammit we don't have the choice
Tue nid ufgregt, rüeft dä vorne
Don't get hysterical, yells the one in front
Red doch lüter, gottverteli!
Just talk louder, for gods sake
Los, rüeft dise, we mir jitz nid lande
Listen, he yells, if we don't land now
Gheie mir i ds Tal!
We'll drop into the valley
Ghöre gäng no nüt, rüeft äine
Still not hearing anything yells one of them
Los begryf doch das emal!
Why aren't you getting that!?
So het im Motorelärme
Like this in the motor's noise
Dr Pilot halt nid verstande
The pilot didn't understand
Dass ihm jitz ds Bänzin chönnt usga
That his fuel was running out
Und dass är sofort sött lande
And that he should land immediately
Da uf ds mal wird's plötzlech still
And suddenly it all went very quiet
Nämlech wil ds Bänzin usgeit
Because the fuel was running out
Und jitz wo me's hätt verstande
And now that they would have understood
Hei si beidi nüt meh gseit
Both of them didn't say anything anymore