IDOLiSH7 Perfection Gimmick english translation
IDOLiSH7 Perfection Gimmick song lyrics
IDOLiSH7 Perfection Gimmick translation
(一織)退屈してる? トビラKnock Knock
Bored? Just knock on the door.
And when you open your eyes–
Ready not? Ready go!
Ready not? Ready go!
(環)ドレスコードは君の heart dance
The dress code is your heart's dance.
(壮五)今夜の Show を始めよう
Now, let tonight's show begin!
(三月)自由になれ Colorful beat
Be free! A colorful beat–
(大和)Wo oh それが Only one chord
Wo oh That's only one chord.
(ナギ)胸衝く Scene lt'skaleidoscope!
A heart-throbbing scene! It's kaleidoscope!
(全員)Tonight…ignite ココロが Spark!
Tonight…Ignite! Our hearts will be the spark!
(全員)Perfection Gimmick仕掛けよう
Perfection Gimmick Let's start.
感じて欲しい Amazing
We want you to feel amazing!
We want to show you
Another face 見せたくて
another face, a more mature side to us.
Perfection Gimmick
Perfection Gimmick
僕らは夜にキラめく Juggler
We are jugglers, sparkling in the night.
We're calling for you,
with our own special magic that we've yet
Drawing the delight 信じて
Drawing the delight– Believe!
(一織)研ぎ澄ましたら Logistic mind
A sharply honed logistic mind.
I know this
Feeling and sympathy
Feeling and sympathy
(環)ldentity きざめ次の One step
Engrave your identity into the next step,
(壮五)イレギュラーを Spice にして
and use the irregular as your spice!
(三月)Cute だけじゃモノ足りない
Just being cute isn't enough.
(大和)Wo Oh Wild? ガラじゃない
Wo Oh Wild? That doesn't really suit me.
(ナギ)持ち寄れば That's Almighty!
If you bring it all together, that's almighty!
(全員)My way, your way 交差して Shine!
Cross over my way, your way, and shine!
(全員)Endless Magic
Endless Magic
ハジける 光のパレード Making joy
This parade of lights is bursting and making joy!
同じだよ どんなカタチであっても
We're still the same. No matter what shape we take,
We Seven colors
We Seven Colors
Endless Magic
Endless Magic
一瞬で惹きつける Mr.Illusion
Mr. Illusion will charm you in an instant!
These unstoppable premonitions–
we'll bet on them right now.
Tonight, we'll be… Traveling!
(一織)Perfection Gimmick 仕掛けよう
Perfection Gimmick Let's start.
(陸)感じて欲しい Amazing
We want you to feel amazing!
We want to show you
(大和・三月・ナギ)ちょっと大人な Another face
Another face, a more mature
(全員) 見せたくて
side to us.
(全員)Perfection Gimmick
Perfection Gimmick
僕らは夜にキラめく Juggler
We are jugglers, sparkling in the night.
We're calling for you,
with our own special magic that we've yet to find
Drawing the delight
Drawing the delight
lt's wonder night…
It's wonder night