放課後ティータイム Sweet Bitter Beauty Song english translation
放課後ティータイム Sweet Bitter Beauty Song song lyrics
放課後ティータイム Sweet Bitter Beauty Song translation
Life's a very Sweet & Bitter Beauty Song
Life's a very Sweet & Bitter Beauty Song
ねえ きみなら何を歌う?
So, what are you gonna sing?
Go Ahead or Back…Right or Left
"Go Ahead" or "Back"... "Right" or "Left"
瞬間瞬間 選択の連続
There's a choice to be made every moment you get
涼しい顔してたって 意外に いや、かなりマジだし
Despite your calm face, strangely you... nah, actually you look quite serious
Life's a very Sweet & Bitter Beauty Song
Life's a very Sweet & Bitter Beauty Song
犬みたいにしっぽ 振って機嫌取りしたり
You go tail-waggin' like a dog trying to please everyone
図々しく生きれない どんなに損だと言われても
('Cause) you can't live like a rebel even when you're told you'll lose out
敏感が厄介Teenager 鼓動がすぐドキドキ
You're an sensitivity-conscious teenager but your heart troubles you
By beating fast and thrashing about so easily
同じステージの上にいるじゃん ってそれだけでなんか勇気沸くね
Aren't we all standing on the same stage? ...and hey just saying that kinda lifts our courage, eh?
低音だって 高音だって 得意な声でみんな言いたいことSinging so Loud
With a low range or a high one Everyone's saying what they wanna say using their best voices singing so loud
Choose Friend or Love…Light or Deep
Choose "Friend" or "Love"... (Going) "Light" or "Deep"
純情愛情 混沌で悶絶
All these feelings and emotions, you'd pass out to the panic they can do
楽しい顔してたって その裏で傷ついてたり
Behind your happy face you're hurting inside
Life's a very Sweet & Bitter Beauty Song
Life's a very Sweet & Bitter Beauty Song
猫みたいに爪を 立てて自分守るように
You go clawin' like a cat trying to protect yourself
器用に歩けない 何度転んで恥かいても
(So) you still can't walk straight and fall over so many times it's embarrassing
繊細が専売Teenager 鼓膜が不意にフルフル
You're a meticulously delicate teenager but without notice your eardrums
Vibrate and shake furiously
同じナンバーで泣いたらいいじゃん 十人十色は承知の上で
Can't we all cry to the same song? Though we know it's different people, different taste
低温だって 高温だって 火傷したらみんな痛いんだしShouting so Loud
Low or high, take any temperature you want but Everyone hurts when they get burnt shouting so loud
同じステージの上にいるじゃん ってそれだけでなんか勇気沸くね
Aren't we all standing on the same stage? ...and hey just saying that kinda lifts our courage, eh?
低音だって 高音だって 得意な声でみんな言いたいことSinging so Loud
With a low range or a high one Everyone's saying what they wanna say using their best voices singing so loud
同じナンバーで笑えばいいじゃん 十人十色は承知の上で
Can't we all smile to the same song? Though we know it's different people, different taste
低俗だって 高潔だって 本当の気持ちだけ抱きしめてShouting so Loud
Brash or gentle, rude or dignified Everyone's holding onto only their true feelings shouting so loud
Life's a very Sweet & Bitter Beauty Song
Life's a very Sweet & Bitter Beauty Song
Life's a very Sweet & Bitter Beauty Song
Life's a very Sweet & Bitter Beauty Song
Life's a very Sweet & Bitter Beauty Song
Life's a very Sweet & Bitter Beauty Song
ねえ きみなら何を歌う?
So, what are you gonna sing?