放課後ティータイム ぴゅあぴゅあはーと english translation
放課後ティータイム ぴゅあぴゅあはーと song lyrics
放課後ティータイム ぴゅあぴゅあはーと translation
頭の中 想いでいっぱい
There's tons of thoughts in my head
あふれそうなの ちょっと心配
I'm sort of afraid they might spill out
But I'll just plug it up with headphones
(Don't stop the music!)
(Don't stop the music!)
I'll say that I want the things I want
I'll say I want to do the things I want to do
But there are also words I cannot say
(Can't stop my heartbeat!)
(Can't stop my heartbeat!)
いきなり! チャンス到来
Suddenly! A chance arrives
We happen to take the same way home
Wow! ふくらむ 胸の風船
Wow! The balloon in my heart blows up
急に足が 宙に浮くの
My feet suddenly feel light
And they float on the air
飛んでいっちゃえ! キミのもとへ
Fly away! To where you are
わたしの ぴゅあぴゅあはーと
This pure pure heart of mine
受けとめてくれるなら 恐くはないの
I'll have no fear if you will accept it
この気持ちが 大気圏 越えたとき
But when these feelings passed through the atmosphere
キミは見えなくなってた 道の向こう側
You had disappeared from the other side of the street
あい☆Don't mind
Oh well, I Don't mind
You know, an honest song
With words of love mounted inside is the best way
I'll casually hum it as I walk along
(Don't stop the music!)
(Don't stop the music!)
A melody sweeter than cotton candy
And a rhythm hotter than fireworks
After all, I can just say I like the songs I like
(Can't stop my heartbeat!)
(Can't stop my heartbeat!)
不意打ち! ピンチ到来
Surprise attack! A problem arrives
ハミング 聞かれちゃったかも
Maybe you heard what I was humming
No! はじめて 目があって
No! For the first time, our eyes meet
うれしいけど はずかしくて
I'm happy, but embarrassed
逃げ腰なのよ どうしよう
I'm about to run away... what'll I do?!
突っ走っちゃえ! 道ばたで
Run away! On the wayside
ふるえてる ぴゅあぴゅあはーと
Is my trembling, pure pure heart
どこまでも透明な あの空高く
Go on and on into the top of the clear sky
うまれたての ひつじ雲のキモチよ
They're being born, the feelings of the altocumulus clouds
キミを追いかけたいの 信号は赤ね
I want to chase after you, but the light is red
あい☆Don't mind
Oh well, I Don't mind
Ah ボリュームをあげて
Ah, turn up the volume
ほら ときめき探すよ
Hey, I'll search for that heart throbbing feeling
I get the feeling that we'll meet
Here again many times
飛んでいっちゃえ! キミのもとへ
Fly away! To where you are
わたしの ぴゅあぴゅあはーと
This pure pure heart of mine
受けとめてくれるなら 恐くはないの
I'll have no fear if you will accept it
この気持ちが 大気圏 越えたとき
But when these feelings passed through the atmosphere
キミは見えなくなってた 道の向こう側
You had disappeared from the other side of the street
あい☆Don't mind
Oh well, I Don't mind