Cairokee مطلوب زعيم Matloob Zaeem english translation
Cairokee مطلوب زعيم Matloob Zaeem song lyrics
Cairokee مطلوب زعيم Matloob Zaeem translation
مطلوب زعيم
Leader wanted
لشعب طول عمره عظيم
for people who were always great
لشعب كان فعال زمان
for people that were active
لكنه هان حتا انه صار
but now insulted even they became
ما بين كبار وبين صغار
between adults and children
مفعول بيه بيقسمو ويفرقوا
an object that they dichotomies and parting it
بيقطعوا في عين اللى جابوا
they cut it in front of his parents eyes
واللى جابوا ابوه
and the generation that follows
علشان يموت او ينتهى
to die or end
مطلوب زعيم
Leader wanted
لشعب حكموه خانوا
for people that their leaders betrays them
وتوهوا وغيبوا واللى انتبه منه
and made them lost , and those whowere attentived
وفاق غملوا عينه وكمموا
and awake, they covered their eyes and blocked their mouths
وسلموا فى المعتقل
and detained them
لكلاب جعانه يقطعوا
for hungry hounds to eat
لكنه رغم القهر قام زقر وذم
but despite the overbearing ,they raised roaring
وفى اسبوعين ذلل حصور الجلدين
and into two weeks ,they Convulsed the executioners Castles
هد النظام فوق راس جميع الفاسدين
they destroyd the system above all the unsound heads
مطلوب زعيم
Leader wanted
يحمى الحدود يعدل ما بين
that can protect the borders and be fair
الناس تمام زى الفاروق
with people like Al Farouk
ويكون حنين على الفقير
and be kind with the fakirs
وعلى اللى فاسد يفترى
and be perverted with the unsound
يهدم على دماغه الشقوق
Demolishes the clefts on his head
ويعقله فى المشنقه
and hangs him
او يرفعوا على راس خذوق
or put him on a spike
مطلوب زعيم
Leader wanted
ميقولش على الخوف حكيم
that not saw the frightened man wise
ويكون كمان سمعه سليم
and been agood healthy listener
يسمع لنبضه قلبنا
can hear our heartbeat
ويكون مكانه فى وسطنا
and his place is among us
ما يعيشي ابدا في القصور
that doesn't live in castles
والبعض منا للاسف ساكنين قبور
while some of us are living in graves
يشرب و ياكل اكلنا
drinks and eats our food
و يعيش كاواحد مننا
and live as one of us
يسمعلنا ويشرو وياخد راينا
takes our opinion
وقت الخطر نتلم حواليه كلنا
at times of danger we gather around him
ونضحى وياه بعمرنا
and sacrifice our lives with him
مطلوب زعيم
Leader wanted
على المسؤليه يكون امين
and be honest about his responsibilities
ويكون جرئ ويكون شجاع
and be brave and courage
يمشى على خطه دافع
and walks on a plan and motive
يعرف يقول للظلم لا
can say no for injustice
ويموت ولا يفرق فى حق
and rather die on leaving any right
مطلوب زعيم
Leader wanted
نقدر نحاسبه بالقانون
that we can prosecutes him by low
اونعزله لو للامانه يوم يخون
or abscise him , if he betrays Honesty
لا يشترط للشكل ايه
doesn't matter what he looks like
لا يشترط للسن ايه
doesn't matter how old he is
لا يشترط للمله ايه
doesn't matter what his religion is
شرطه الوحيد يكون بشر
but he has to human
بالاختصار مطلوب دا تار
Briefly male wanted