Cairokee الخط ده خطى english translation
Cairokee الخط ده خطى song lyrics
Cairokee الخط ده خطى translation
الخط ده خطي . والكلمة دي ليا
this handwriting is mine and this word is mine
غطي الورق غطي . بالدمع يا عينيا
cover the papers cover 'em. with tears my darling
شط الزتون شطّي . والأرض عربية
shore of olives is my shore. and the land is arabian
نسايمها أنفاسي وترابها من ناسي
it's breeze is from my breath and it's soil is from my peole
وإن كنت أنا ناسي ما حتنسانيش هي
And if I forget it she won't forget me
الخط ده خطي والكلمة دي ليا
this handwriting is mine and this word is mine
لاكتب على عيني . يحرم عليكي النوم
I'll judge on my eyes. you are forbidden from sleeping
واحبس ضيا عيني . بدموعي طول اليوم
And lock the light of my eyes By my tears all day long
قبل الوفا بديني زي الصلاه والصوم
Before paying my debts. like Praying and fasting
ده الدين في عُرف الحر هم ومذله ومر
a debt for a free man is humiliation and a big concern
وهموم تجيب وتجُر أحزان مخبية
and Concerns come with inner sorrows
الخط ده خطي والكلمة دي ليا
this handwriting is mine and this word is mine
لاكتب على كفي . والحبر من دمي
I'll on my palm, and they ink will be my blood
يا عِزوتي كفي . يا همتي ضمي
Oh my soul help me
أول ما حنوَفي . بالوعد حنسمّي
Whenever we fulfill our promise we'll call it in the name of
بأسم اللي ماتوا صغار في المدرسة والدار
the name of who died young in a school or in their houses
والمصنع اللي انهار فوق الصنايعية
and in the name of the factory that collapsed on it's workers
الخط ده خطي . والكلمة دي ليا
this handwriting is mine and this word is mine
الخط ده خطي . والكلمة دي ليا
this handwriting is mine and this word is mine
غطي الورق غطي . بالدمع يا عينيا
cover the papers cover 'em. with tears my darling