Cairokee كل حاجه بتعدي english translation
Cairokee كل حاجه بتعدي song lyrics
Cairokee كل حاجه بتعدي translation
مهما كان ليلك طويل
no matter how long your night has been
كل حاجة بتعدى.
everything passes
مهما كان حملك تقيل
no matter how heavy the weight on your shoulders is
كل حاجة بتعدى
everything passes
لو عينك غفلت
if you overslept
كل حاجة بتعدى.
everything passes
لو الدنيا قفلت
if the world closed it's doors on you
كل حاجة بتعدى
everything passes
لو حبيبك سابك.
if your lover left you
والزمن ساقك
and time (life) carried you away
واتلغبطت أسبابك
and your reasons got messed up
لو آمالك اتعطلت وأحلامك فرملت.
if your hopes had broken down and your dreams stopped (hit the breaks)
وجوّاك شايل هتعدى
and you feel burdened it will pass
مهما كان قلبك ندمان كل حاجة بتعدى.
no matter how you feel remorse... everything passes
مهما كنت فى غلطك سارح كل حاجة بتعدى
no matter how you are carried away in your wrong dowing.. everything passes
سيبك من الناس ربنا بيسامح
don't care about the people.. God forgives
كل حاجة بتعدى.
everything passes
كلم نفسك وعليها اتصالح
talk to yourself and makeup with it
كل حاجة بتعدى
everything passes
الليل طويل مليان أحلام
the night is young and filled with dreams
تاخدك وتفضل فيها سارح.
that takes you and you get lost in your thoughts with it
والنهار أجمل كمان شمسه تنور حلم امبارح
and the days is much prettier as well... it's sun lightens up yesterday's dream
صحيح الأيام صعبة كتير بتعلم جوانا وتخبى.
it's true tgat days are hard it scars us and then hides away
بس لازم نعيش قبل ما الدنيا تعدّى
but we have to live before life goes by
كل الناس خايفة من بكره
everyone is afraid of tomorrow
وييجى بكره ولسّه خايفين
and tomorrow comes and they are still afraid
بكره مش يوم بكره ده فكرة
tomorrow is not a day tomorrow is a thought
هما جواها محبوسين
they are locked up in it
أوقاتك هىّ حكاياتك
your time is your stories
وحكاياتك هىّ حياتك
and your stories are your life
ما تسيبش يوم
don't let a day go by (go to waste)
ما تسيبش سطر فى كتابك
don't let a line in your book
وكفاية كل اللى فاتك
and it's enough what had passed you
وانسى الهموم
forget about your worries
أوقاتك هىّ حكاياتك
your time is your stories
وحكاياتك هىّ حياتك
and your stories are your life
ما تسيبش يوم
don't let a day go by (go to waste)
ما تسيبش سطر فى كتابك
don't let a line in your book
وكفاية كل اللى فاتك
and it's enough what had passed you
وانسى الهموم
forget about your worries
مهما كان ليلك طويل كل حاجة بتعدّى.
no matter how long your night is everything passes (this too shall pass)