Cairokee EL Khat Dah Khatty english translation
Cairokee EL Khat Dah Khatty song lyrics
Cairokee EL Khat Dah Khatty translation
الخط دا خطى والكلمه دي ليا
This is my handwriting, and those words are mine
غطى الورق غطى بالدمع يا عينيا
Cover up all the papers, with my tear drops
شط الزتون شطى و الارض عربيه
The olive shore are mine, and the land is Arabian
نسايمها انفاسي وترابها من ناسي
Every breeze is my breath, and every drop of sand is made of my people
وان كنت انا ناسي متنسنيش هيا
Even if i forget, she doesn't
الخط دا خطى والكلمه دي ليا
This is my handwriting, and those words are mine
لكتب علي عيني يحرم عليكي النوم
I swear, i'll get no sleep
واحبس ضياء عيني بدموعي طول اليوم
And will imprison the light in my eyes, with my tears every day
قبل الوفا بديني زي الصلاه والصوم
I will fulfill my promise, just like my prayers and fasting
ده الدين في عرف الحر هم و مذلة و مر
Promises weigh on the haearts of those who have to fulfill
وهموم تجيب و تجر احزان مخبيه
Sorrow go and come a hiding sadness
الخط دا خطى والكلمه دي ليا
This is my handwriting, and those words are mine
لاكتب علي كفي والحبر من دمي
I will write on my own palm, and the ink is my blood
ياعزوتي كفي ياهمتي ضمي
Oh my people unite
اول ما هنوفي بالوعد هنسمي
The first we will execute, the promises we will start
بسم اللي ماتوا صغار في المدرسه والدار
And swear by those who died too soon, in the school and their house
والمصنع اللي انهار فوق الصنايعيه
And all the workers who died under the the factory that collapsed
الخط دا خطى والكلمه دي ليا
This is my handwriting, and those words are mine