西野カナ Wishing english translation
西野カナ Wishing song lyrics
西野カナ Wishing translation
Even if I do not exist
You are fine.
ふいに告げられた あの日から今でも
Even now from that day I was told to witness
You also have your habit
Also your way of laughing
Nothing will disappear from me
そう 何をしても
So what do you do
そう 思い出すの
I remember so
ah このままじゃ仕方がないよね
Ah It can not be helped just as it is
ねぇ 君はどこで
Hey, where are you
ねぇ 何を想うの?
Hey, what do you think?
I am still in this place
いつか笑顔で会える その時まで
Until that time someday you can meet with a smile
I will never forget your kindness
この想いが届くように 信じて
Believe that this feeling will arrive
I'm wishing 願うよ
I'm wishing, I hope.
In the morning when you are not there
New days
I wonder if the day will gradually become familiar.
そして気づいたら お互い恋をして
And when you notice each other in love
I wonder if I will like someone else.
そう 同じ道を
So the same way
そう 歩いて来た
I came walking so.
ah いつからか二つに分かれて
Ah someday divided into two
ねぇ 君は全て
Hey you all
ねぇ 忘れてしまうの?
Hey do you forget?
I am still in that place
いつか笑顔で会える その時まで
Until that time someday you can meet with a smile
I will never forget your kindness
この想いが届くように 信じて
Believe that this feeling will arrive
I'm wishing 願うよ
I'm wishing, I hope.
その笑顔 その瞳が今でも
That smile even its eyes still
鮮やかに 輝きを増してゆく
Brighten the brightness increasingly
I know it こんなに届きそうなのに
I know it It looks like it will arrive so
Go far enough to think
That day I met you and fell in love
What we spent with two hands connected
この奇跡をもう一度だけ 信じて
Believe this miracle only once
I'm wishing きっと
I'm wishing for sure
いつか笑顔で会える その時まで
Until that time someday you can meet with a smile
I will never forget your kindness
この想いが届くように 信じて
Believe that this feeling will arrive
I'm wishing 願うよ
I'm wishing, I hope.