西野カナ glowly days english translation

西野カナ glowly days song lyrics
西野カナ glowly days translation
いま風に抱かれ キミのもとへ
Now I am in the wind and to you
I wish I could blow it.
名前をつぶやいた 聞こえるかな?
Can you hear mumbling names?

新しい部屋に 想い出並べ
I remember my memories in my new room
キミ探しうつむいて 落ちた花びらで咲いたこと今更気付いた
Looking for you I fell out I realized that I bloomed with a fallen petal

Blow! 風に抱かれ キミのもとへ 吹いていけたらいいのに…
Blow! I wish I could blow into the wind and embrace you ...
ヘッドフォンのボリュームあげて ただ無我夢中に唄ってたんだ
I raised the volume of the headphones and I was singing all of a sudden
ゆめ? ゆめ? You and I are in school days.
Yume? Yume? You and I are in school days.
パッと掴んで目覚めたら 風だった
When I woke up when I grasped easily, it was windy

「久しぶりだね。そっちの街はどう? 友達はどう?」
"How long have you been with your city?"
「淋しいよ…」気になって 送るよ 大好きな人へメッセージ
"I am lonely ..." I will send it and send it to my favorite people

Blow! 風に流れ 誰かの影に 隠れていたのならば
Blow! Flowing in the wind If you were hiding in someone's shadow
この先ずっと理由探して ふぞろいのまま躊躇う一歩
One step hesitates to find for reasons whilst staying unfamiliar
ぼやけてしまうday after day 踏み出して
Be blurred day after day

Cheer up! 負けないで!
Cheer up! Do not lose!

Blow more! Blow!
Blow more! Blow!
風に抱かれ キミのもとへ 吹いていけたらいいのにね。
I wish I could be blown to you by the wind.
名前をつぶやいた ひらひら揺れた 教室の窓
Tweeted name Flickering Classroom Window
キミと見た桜 Dream glowly days
Cherry blossom viewing with you Dream glowly days
咲いていたから 目覚めよう
Wake up as it was in bloom