Ricardo Arjona Se Nos Muere el Amor english translation
Ricardo Arjona Se Nos Muere el Amor song lyrics
Ricardo Arjona Se Nos Muere el Amor translation
Se nos muere el amor
the love is dying for us
Tiene fiebre de frio
it has fever of cold
Se nos cayo de la cama
we let it fall from the bed
Cuando lo empujo el hastio
when the weariness push it over
Y esta enfermo de muerte!
and it is sick of death
El mismo que era tan fuerte
the same that was so strong
Tiene anemia de besos
it has anemy of kisses
Tiene cancer de olvido
it has cancer of omission
Y por si fuera poco
and if it was not enough
Tiene ganas de morir
it has desire to die
Se nos muere el amor
the love is dying for us
Se nos mueren las ganas
the desire is dying for us
Las vemos agonizar
we see then agonize
Convulsionando entre las sabanas
convulsing between the sheets
Y no existe un vino tinto
and there is not a red wine
Que nos reviva el instinto
that could revive our instinct
Se nos muere la magia
the magic is dying for us
La pasion, la locura
the passion, the crazyness
Ay amor traicionero
ah, treacherous love
Veniste pa' jorobarnos
you came here to hunchback us both
Yo sobrevivia sin ella
I survived without her
Y ella, era feliz sin mi
and, without me, she was happy
Ay amor, con el tiempo
ah, love with the time
Te nos has oxidado
you have become rusty for us
Ay amor susceptible
ah, susceptible love
Ay amor delicado
ah, delicate love
Ay amor no te mueras
ah, love don't die
O muerete de un trancazo
or die right away
Que no hay peor agonia
because there's no worst agony
Que la que es de paso en paso
that what is step by step
Se nos muere el amor
the love is dying for us
Se le acabo la ternura
the tenderness is over
Y a la libertad
and the liberty
La convertimos en dictadura
we make it a dictatorship
Se contagio de costumbre
it got contagious by habit
Le falto fuego a la lumbre
we de short of fire to the fire..
Se nos mueren los sueños
the dreams are dying for us
Los versos, los besos
the verses, the kisses
Ay amor implacable
ah, implacable love
Yo ya no se que prefiero
I don't know what I prefer anymore
Que me odie de corazon
she can hate me from the heart
O que me ame sin amor
or she can "love" me without love
Ay amor con el tiempo
ah, love with the time
Te nos has oxidado
you have become rusty for us
Ay amor susceptible
ah, susceptible love
Ay amor delicado
ah, delicate love
Ay amor no te mueras
ah, love don't die
O muerete de un trancazo
or die right away
Que no hay peor agonia
because there's no worst agony
Que la que es paso a paso
that what is step by step
Si todo era tan bello
if everything was so beautiful
Dime amor que nos pasa
tell me, love, what's happening to us
Hoy ya no somos ni amigos
today we are not even friends
No cabemos en casa
we don't fit in the house
Ay amor tan ingrato
ah, such an ingrate love
Quitame solo una duda
just answer me a doubt
Si eres tu el que se muere
if it is you the one that is dying
O soy yo el que te mata
or if I am the one that's killing you