Ricardo Arjona Chicos de Plástico english translation

Ricardo Arjona Chicos de Plástico song lyrics
Ricardo Arjona Chicos de Plástico translation
Con un saco de Versace
With a bag of Versace
Y un Cartier en la muñeca
And a Cartier on the wrist
Con un Mercedes del año
With a Mercedes of the year
Regalos de papi y mami
Daddy and mommy gifts

Con Bousheron en el cuello
With Boucheron in the neck
Y unos Carrera en los ojos
And some Carrera in the eyes
Con unos jeans de Valentino
With Valentino jeans
El es un promo ambulante
He is a traveling promo

Basto para conquistarte
It was enough to conquer you
La pura tapiceria
The pure upholstery
Basto para disfrazarte
It's enough to dress up
La pura visuteria
The pure jewelery

A ver si cuando esten solos
Let's see if when they are alone
Y ya no este papi y mami
And no longer this daddy and mommy
A la hora de estar desnudos
When it comes to being naked
Los salva el señor Versace
Saved by Mr. Versace

Chicos de plastico, chicos de plastico
Plastic boys, plastic boys
Cada oveja busca su pareja
Each sheep looks for his partner
Y se construyen su propia reja
And they build their own grate
Chicos de plastico, chicos de plastico
Plastic boys, plastic boys

Su amargura la pintan de alegria
Their bitterness paint it with joy
Y viven una pesadilla
And they live a nightmare
Chicos de plastico
Plastic boys
Entre esos trajes de lujo
Among those luxury suits

Y ese tan extraño hablado
And that weird spoken
Con ese gran influjo
With that great influx
Que el norte les ha heredado
That the North has inherited them
No es que este malo estar bien
It's not that this bad thing is good

Si es que tu te lo has ganado
If you have earned it
Lo malo es ir presumiendo
The bad thing is to go boasting
Lo que tu papi te ha dado
What your daddy has given you
Cuidado que entre la seda
Be careful that the silk

Tambien cabe un papanatas
It also fits a papanatas
Cuidado que el caviar
Beware that caviar
Tambien le gusta a las ratas
It also likes rats
Chicos de plastico, chicos de plastico
Plastic boys, plastic boys

Cada oveja busca su pareja
Each sheep looks for his partner
Y se construyen su propia reja
And they build their own grate
Chicos de plastico, chicos de plastico
Plastic boys, plastic boys
Su amargura la pintan de alegria
Their bitterness paint it with joy
Y viven una pesadilla, chicos de plastico
And they live a nightmare, plastic boys