Malique Perang Dah Tamat english translation
Feat RabbaniMalique Perang Dah Tamat song lyrics
Malique Perang Dah Tamat translation
The world now lives in fear.
The world now lives in fear
We are afraid of everything.
We are afraid of everything
Kita selamat
We're safe
Kabus dah hilang
Fog's disappeared
Perang dah tamat
The war has ended
Nyanyikan lagu
Sing the song
Damai dalam lena
Rest in (your) sleep
Jangan buka mata
Don't open (your) eyes
Realitinya sungguh berbeza
The reality is so different
Berita yang ditunggu
Awaited news
Kini sedang tersebar
Is being spreaded
Seluruh umat manusia
The whole humanity
Boleh tersenyum lebar
Wide smile is carved
Perang sudah tamat
The war has ended
Terpampang di dada akhbar
Is being showed at the front page of newspapers
Senjata dah dilucutkan
Weapon's drop
Malahan dibakar
Also burnt
Jalan dah dibuka
Road is opened
Bekalan dah dihantar
The food supply has been sent
Pengawal sempadan bersalaman
The territory officers are shaking hands
Dan bergambar
and taking pictures
Tiada lagi askar-askar luka
There're no more wounded soldiers
Main kejar-kejar
Chasing each other
Kerna dunia tidak lagi perlukan pendekar
Because the world no longer needed warriors
Bumi berhenti bergetar
The earth stop shaking
Tak perlu rasa gentar
No need to be afraid
Tiang dah dipacak
Pole is erected
Dan bendera berkibar
And flag is waving
Yang sembunyi keluar
People hiding has came out
Dah bersinar di luar
Outside is already shine
Burung besi pulang
The metal birds has returned to base
Yang sebenar legar-legar
Reality is lingering
Langit koyak dah ditampal
Torn sky is patched
Tiada halilintar
No thunder
Laut merah pudar
Red seas fading
Jala kembali ditebar
Net once again thrown
Di desa bunga mekar
In the village flowers blooming
Di bandar bangunan tegar
In city buildings being repaired
Bunyi mercun
the sounds of firecracker
Bunga api gantikan bunyi bom dan mortar
Sparkle substituted the sound of bomb and mortar
Apakah benar?
Is it true?
Perang dah tamat
The war has ended
Perang sudah tamat
The war has ended
Kita jadi buta warna
We've become colour blind
Lihat kulit manusia
See human skin
Semuanya sama saja
All the same
Semua syak wasangka
All the prejudice
Harus dihentikan
Have to stop
Berkuatkuasa serta merta
Empowered immediately
Piagam Madinah dihidup dan dijana
Madina rules is live up and generate
Semua agama Ibrahim aman hidup bersama
All of the Ibrahim's religion live peacefully together
Perang cuma tinggal kata dalam kamus lama
War just a word in the old dictionary
Tak disebut
Never mentioned
Tak diguna
Haven't been used
Tak lagi dicari makna
Never find the meaning
Perang sudah bubar
War has stopped
Perang sudah bubar
War has stopped
Ganti sebiji peluru
Change one bullet
Dapat sebatang cigar
For one cigarette
Perang sudah bubar
War has stopped
Perang sudah bubar
War has stopped
Ganti sebatang senapang
Change one rifle
Dapat sebiji gitar
Get a guitar
Mereka kata tidak mungkin
They said it's not possible
Aku balas benar
I replied "It's indeed"
Cuba tutup mata
Try shutting eyes
Baca risalah diedar
Read the distributed pamphlet
Perang sudah tamat
The war has ended
Ku nyanyi separa sedar
I sang subconsciously
Perang dah tamat
The war has ended
Maaf bukan cerita sebenar
Sorry not the real story
Uthlubul Horriyah
Uthlubul Horriyah
Uthlubul Haq
Uthlubul Haq
Hari-hari tengok berita buruk jam lapan
Watch news on 8 everyday
Hari-hari tengok saudaraku berbunuhan
Watch my brothers killed everyday
Bukankah mengambil nyawa itu kerja Tuhan
Isn't taking life god's job
Bukan aku
Not me
Bukan kamu
Not you
Ajal Dia yang tentukan
He is the one planned death
Ada Torah
There're Old Testaments
Ada Quran
There's Qoran
Kalau Iqra'
If iqra' (read)
Tiada ibu-bayi mati berpelukan
No mother-child hugging dead
Ada I-Ching
There's I-Ching
Ada Tipitaka
There's Tipitaka
Ada Veda
There're Veda
Habis baca semua
After done reading all of it
Baru sedar kita tiada beza
Realization that we have no difference
Kita manusia
We're human
Lain nama dan fizikal
Different names and physical
Persamaan utamanya kita ada akal
But what we have in common is mind
Biar haiwan saja bersifat territorial
Only let the animals behaving territorially
Ok, hypotetikal – tiada peta politikal
Ok, hypothetical - no political map
Saya orang aman
I am man of peace
Saya bukan orang jahat
I am not a bad person
Saya benci perang
I hate wars
Saya rela bersahabat
I prefer to be friend
Nyanyi lagu damai
Sing a song of peace
Satu dunia ikut rapat
Whole world following
Sambil tunggu hari Osama dan Obama berjabat
While waiting the day where Osama and Obama shaking hands
War must therefore be made illegal
War must therefore be made illegal