Malique Muzik Buatku High english translation
Malique Muzik Buatku High song lyrics
Malique Muzik Buatku High translation
kepala mengenjut senyum mengurai
Nodding head, putting smile on face
kaki mengentak tangan melambai-lambai
Stomping feet, waving hands with the flow
ubat paling mujarab jangan pertikai
The most effective medicine, don't dispute it
muzik buatku high
Music makes me high
aku high
I'm high
muzik buatku high
Music makes me high
aku high
I'm high
muzik buatku high
Music makes me high
teori banyak teori, pilih mana suka
Too many theories, choose which one you like
teori beruk khayal atau astronaut purba
Imaginary monkey theory or ancient astronaut theory
dari masa depan aku raksasa angkasa
Coming from the future, I'm a space monster
tak percaya tanya NASA, haha
Don't believe me? ask NASA, haha
atau cari buktinya di perpustakaan akasha
Or search for the proof in Akashic records
gali lubang cacing, pintas ruang dan masa
Digging through a worm hole, skipping space and time
selamat bersama Laika berputar pusing
With Laika we rolled in weightlessness
dunia hilang punca jari pun saling menuding
The world are destroyed but they just pointing fingers one to another
usah runsing, cemas karektor kucing
Keep calm and don't freak out
suntik ubat ini saat genting dan runcing
Inject this medicine in case of emergency
malah hening, takkan putus, takkan kering
Then it's silence all around you
chill, ini cuma muzik jangan melenting
Chill, this is just music
turun kening, pakcik, kenapa marah
Down the eyebrows, man, why so serious?
tidak suka lagu saya boleh tukar arah
Hate my song, just tune to others
lain citarasa, generasi dan sejarah
Different taste, generation and history
saya lahir merdeka, pakcik lahir dijajah
I'm born free, you're born colonized
kepala mengenjut senyum mengurai
Nodding head, putting smile on face
kaki mengentak tangan melambai-lambai
Stomping feet, waving hands with the flow
ubat paling mujarab jangan pertikai
The most effective medicine, don't dispute it
muzik buatku high
Music makes me high
aku high
I'm high
muzik buatku high
Music makes me high
aku high
I'm high
muzik buatku high
Music makes me high
suruh baca buku, aku telaah majalah
I study magazines while textbooks being push aside
tak terlalu ramah bila guru berceramah
Not interested when teachers teaching in front
bla bla b kuasa 2-4ac
Bla bla B with power of 2-4 A C
tu semua kisah dongeng macam Stacy
That's just a tale from the past like Stacy's song
nah rumus kalkulus, beza dan kamirkan
Here some formula of calculus, differential and integration
lukis garis lengkung, jalan kerja pamerkan
Draw curved lines, wrote it down step by step
sambil upah rakan aku baca Sun dan Gibran
While my friend do it for me, I read writings by Sun and Gibran
tunjuk aku rumus dapat pulus mungkin heran
Show me the formula when I paid them
gagal ujian hisab, gagal ujian sikap
Fail the math test, fail the attitude test
selalu tenung tingkap, cikgu syak lambat pick up
Always looking out the windows, teachers took me as a fool
nyata mereka silap, aku bukan patung
Then they're absolutely wrong, I'm not a puppet
aku sedang tulis lirik ikut degup jantung
I'm writing my own lyric by heart
sekarang ku diktator, bual satu hala
Now I'm a dictator, talk in one-way communication
cakap orang diam, dengar dan angguk kepala
People in silence when I talk, listening and nodding their head
kata-kataku boleh menghidup dan memati
My words can turn something alive and dead
sungguh ajaib kerna itu kudihormati
It's magical and that's why they respected me
kepala mengenjut senyum mengurai
Nodding head, putting smile on face
kaki mengentak tangan melambai-lambai
Stomping feet, waving hands with the flow
ubat paling mujarab jangan pertikai
The most effective medicine, don't dispute it
muzik buatku high
Music makes me high
aku high
I'm high
muzik buatku high
Music makes me high
aku high
I'm high
muzik buatku high
Music makes me high
bawaku ke atas, bawaku ke atas
Bring me up there
sini aku sesak wang, ruang juga nafas
Here I'm suffocating out of breath and money too
beri aku tiket tak pesawat aku rampas
Give me the ticket or I'll hijack this plane
delta mana lagi lekas 9 atau 11
Delta which is quicker between 9 or 11
bekal lima buku, satu buku lima
Bringing five books, and one hand fist
pulang dari Matahari bawah matahari
Coming back from the Sun
aku leka di Kudeta sambut coup d'état
Hanging out at Kudeta celebrating coup d'état
sambil baca Machiavelli dengar Makaveli
While reading Machiavelli and listening to Makaveli
muzik meditasi, pasti levitasi
Meditating music, feels like I'm levitating
lepas Najib, Malique yang paling berdedikasi
After Najib, Malique is the most dedicated man
dengan artikulasi seakan mengintimidasi
With articulation that feels intimidating
lagu diputar radio tanpa henti macam sufi Parsi
Songs play by radio without stop like Parsi sufism
tak pandai main dram, gitar atau piano
Can't play the drum, guitar or piano
saksofon, trumpet, biola atau cello
Saxophone, trumpet, violin or cello
buta note muzik tapi muzikku menjadi
Can't read the music note but my song still a hit
sungguh ajaib kerna itu kudihormati
It's magical and that's why they respected me
kepala mengenjut senyum mengurai
Nodding head, putting smile on face
kaki mengentak tangan melambai-lambai
Stomping feet, waving hands with the flow
ubat paling mujarab jangan pertikai
The most effective medicine, don't dispute it
muzik buatku high
Music makes me high
aku high
I'm high
muzik buatku high
Music makes me high
aku high
I'm high
muzik buatku high
Music makes me high