Malique Mentera Beradu english translation
Feat M.NasirMalique Mentera Beradu song lyrics
Malique Mentera Beradu translation
Masih belum sempurna...
Still not perfect..
Gerakkan Hati... Hati gerakkan...
Move the Heart ... Hearts move ...
Pandanglah aku... aku lah dia...
Look at me... I was the one...
Kulitku tebal... ku kebal... ingatku kebal...
My skin is thick... i'm tough... i thought i'm tough...
Hanya berbual makan angin kembung perut mual...
Just chat jaunt flatulence causing nausea...
Resah dan tidak senang... hidup tak pernah lenang...
Restless and unhappy ... never Enjoying life ...
Ku schizo paranoia takut pecah tembelang
i had schizophrenia scared people will notice
Pecah tembelang... peta dah hilang...
People notice... the map shall loss..
Bangau dah pulang... suara sumbang...
Storks home... discordant voice...
Lidahku kaku tak selicin kuku
My tongue is not as stiff as nail
Teman baikku buku
My best friend's a book
Bini ku pena... tak pernah lena
My wife's a pen... never satisfied
Aku suka mengintai pantang ditenung
i like to lurk abstinence
Berakhir pertelingkahan dalaman
Ends an internal affair
Pasti belum
Definitely not yet
Ikut gerak hati... pena melayang
Follow the heart... the pen's thrown
Dilihat dua layang pandang
Seen two glances
Tak lah segarang
Not that tough
Takat meradang
Just a big mouth
Tanya... abang gedang, apa barang?
ask... whats up with the "gedang"?(musical instrument)
Badan macam badang
Bodies like "Badang"
Main acap belakang parang
Play frequently behing the machete
Kuhunuskan keris musuh ada pistol
Shove my "Keris", enemy with a gun
Tradisi kekalkan adaptasi harus betul
Keep in the tradition on the correct adaptation
Tujuh baris keramat tujuh garis penamat
Seven lines of sacred seven lines of observers
Baik berpada biar jahat asal selamat
Be enough in good, let it be evil to be safe
Ramai saudaraku yang baik telah dipijak
Lots of my good brothers has been stepped on
Awan mendung yang berarak
The marching cloudy clouds
Bawa tangis bawa resah
Bring tears bring restless
Rebah rindu yang terkumpul
Laying all the collecting saudade
Semua birat dan kalimah
All the marks and "Kalimah"(sentences)
Semua janji yang terikat
All the tied promises
Lebur disisimu
Dissolve around you
Yo ijazah terbaik datangnya dari jalanan
Yo! the best graduation comes from the street
Dari pengalaman bercakap dan bersalaman
From the experience of conversing and shaking hands
Konflik motivasi cuba medatasi
Try to meditate on motivation conflict
Positif dan benci jadi inspirasi pagi
Positive and hate becomes morning inspiration
Peduli itu interpretasi basi pekakkan sebelah
Ignored the spoiled interpretation, cover half your ear
Halang biar keduanya muka cantik
Then cover both your ears, pretty face
Soalan bodoh yang ditanya jadi melodinya
with foolish questions, becomes the melody
Lebih hina dari zina
More despicable than "Zina"(adultery)
Lu bikin dosa ku bikin prosa
You make sins, i make "prosa"(Latin: clear & easy)
Testosterone testarosa
Testosterone testarosa
Citacita sosa kl kl kosa nostra
Ambition of sosa in KL like cosa nostra
Jalan berliku ku harung roller coaster
I went through my journey like roller coaster
Gah sentosa tiada penyesalan
Go all the way without regrets
Luas pandangan jauh dah berjalan
Long journey with wide views
Tak sempurna masih ada kejanggalan
Not perfect still having awkwardness
Gagal merancang, merancang kegagalan
Fail to plan, plan to fail
Awan mendung yang berarak
The marching cloudy clouds
Bawa tangis bawa resah
Bring tears bring restless
Rebah rindu yang terkumpul
Laying all the collecting saudade
Semua birat dan kalimah
All the marks and "Kalimah"(sentences)
Semua janji yang terikat
All the tied promises
Lebur disisimu
Dissolve around you
Kucing bawa tidur rimau bawa igau
Bring cat to sleep, bring tiger to delirious
Masuk tempat orang bawa otak bukan pisau
Come in other people places with brain not knife
Naik bukit angkuh cakap ayah jangan risau
Going up the hill arrogantly said to dad don't worry
Turun bukit pucat dengar tiga miaww
Going down the hill pale faces heard 3 meoww
Kucing bawa tidur rimau bawa igau
Bring cat to sleep, bring tiger to delirious
Masuk tempat orang bawa otak bukan pisau
Come in other people places with brain not knife
Tolak pintu gua tiga kerat tenaga
Push the cave door with 3 pieces of energy
Kosong tak dijaga sampai datang tiga naga
Unguarded emptiness inviting 3 dragons
Ingat nak berlaga tapi tak kan boleh menang
Think of fighting it with no chance of winning
Menang dengan otak tak mesti dengan pedang
Win with brain don't have to be with sword
Sebelum jadi naga ikan koi renang renang
A swimming koi fish before becoming a dragon
Pura pura salah jawapan untuk naik berang
Raging on a pretending wrong answers
Panggil lima kawan atau biar pergi laju
Calling on 5 friends or let them through fast
Risaukan pekara remeh kita tak akan maju
We'll never advanced with worries of nonsense
Muka sama hijau hati siapa tahu
Same green faces, heart who knows
Merah dah menyala pasti mati siapa mahu
Nobody wants to die when its burning red
Gagap tiga kali bercakap benar saja
Stutter 3 times talks truth only
Bulan terang ramai yang keluar buat kerja
Many went out on full moon doing their "jobs"
Panjat pokok buluh cari tukun air terjun
Climbs the bamboo tree searching the waterfall shaman
Naik sampai nampak dah terpegun turun
Climbs up until they see, climb down when impressed
Tiga ular ikut lompat atau paut
3 snakes followed jumps or hanging
Kalau lari mati jika jerut maut
If fleeing die if wrinkled death
Awan mendung yang berarak
The marching cloudy clouds
Bawa tangis bawa resah
Bring tears bring restless
Rebah rindu yang terkumpul
Laying all the collecting saudade
Semua birat dan kalimah
All the marks and "Kalimah"(sentences)
Semua janji yang terikat
All the tied promises
Lebur disisimu
Dissolve around you
Puisi hati mu... hati mu puisi
Poetry of your heart, your heart of poetry
Palu hati ku palu hatiku
Hammered my heart, hammered my heart
Kulit tak besalin walau saling ganti baju
Skin never changes even with many changes of clothes
Pandang sini pandang sini
Look here look here
Ku berbahasa baku kata kata nahu
I'm speaking"Baku"(Standard Deep Original Malay Bahasa language) words of "Nahu"(Purpose/Meaning/Deep meaning)
Himpun jadi satu
Gathering becomes one
Mantera beradu dengan irama dan lagu
"Mantera beradu"(Clashing spell) with rhythm and song
Akhirnya sempurna...
Perfect at last...