Iwan Fals Surat Buat Wakil Rakyat english translation
Iwan Fals Surat Buat Wakil Rakyat song lyrics
Iwan Fals Surat Buat Wakil Rakyat translation
Untukmu yang duduk sambil diskusi
For you who sat in discussion
Untukmu yang biasa bersafari
For you who used to have a safari
Di sana di gedung DPR
There in the Parliament building
Wakil rakyat kumpulan orang hebat
People's representative of a great assembly of people
Bukan kumpulan teman teman dekat
Not a collection of close friends
Apalagi sanak famili
Moreover relatives
Di hati dan lidahmu kami berharap
In your heart and tongue we hope
Suara kami tolong dengar lalu sampaikan
Our voices please hear and then convey
Jangan ragu jangan takut karang menghadang
Do not hesitate do not be afraid of the reef
Bicaralah yang lantang jangan hanya diam
Speak loud not just silence
Di kantong safarimu kami titipkan
In our safari bag we leave
Masa depan kami dan negeri ini
Our future and this country
Dari Sabang sampai Merauke
From Sabang to Merauke
Saudara dipilih bukan di lotere
You were chosen not in the lottery
Meski kami tak kenal siapa saudara
Although we do not know who you are
Kami tak sudi memilih para juara
We will not choose champions
Juara diam, juara he eh, juara hahaha
The silent champion, champion he eh, champion hahaha
Untukmu yang duduk sambil diskusi
For you who sat in discussion
Untukmu yang biasa bersafari
For you who used to have a safari
Di sana di gedung DPR
There in the Parliament building
Di hati dan lidahmu kami berharap
In your heart and tongue we hope
Suara kami tolong dengar lalu sampaikan
Our voices please hear and then convey
Jangan ragu jangan takut karang menghadang
Do not hesitate do not be afraid of the reef
Bicaralah yang lantang jangan hanya diam
Speak loud not just silence
Wakil rakyat seharusnya merakyat
People's representatives should be populist
Jangan tidur waktu sidang soal rakyat
Do not sleep during court about the people
Wakil rakyat bukan paduan suara
People's representatives are not choirs
Hanya tahu nyanyian lagu "setuju"
Just know the sing of song "agree"
Wakil rakyat seharusnya merakyat
People's representatives should be populist
Jangan tidur waktu sidang soal rakyat
Do not sleep during court about the people
Wakil rakyat bukan paduan suara
People's representatives are not choirs
Hanya tahu nyanyian lagu "setu
Just know the sing of song "agree"
Wakil rakyat seharusnya merakyat
People's representatives should be populist
Jangan tidur waktu sidang soal rakyat
Do not sleep during court about the people
Wakil rakyat bukan paduan suara
People's representatives are not choirs
Hanya tahu nyanyian lagu "setuju"
Just know the sing of song "agree"
Wakil rakyat seharusnya merakyat
People's representatives should be populist
Jangan tidur waktu sidang soal rakyat
Do not sleep during court about the people
Wakil rakyat bukan paduan suara
People's representatives are not choirs
Hanya tahu nyanyian lagu "setuju"
Just know the sing of song "agree"
Wakil rakyat seharusnya merakyat
People's representatives should be populist
Jangan tidur waktu sidang soal rakyat
Do not sleep during court about the people
Wakil rakyat bukan paduan suara
People's representatives are not choirs
Hanya tahu nyanyian lagu "setuju"
Just know the sing of song "agree"
Wakil rakyat seharusnya merakyat
People's representatives should be populist
Jangan tidur waktu sidang soal rakyat
Do not sleep during court about the people
Wakil rakyat bukan paduan suara
People's representatives are not choirs
Hanya tahu nyanyian lagu "setuju"
Just know the sing of song "agree"
Wakil rakyat seharusnya merakyat
People's representatives should be populist
Jangan tidur waktu sidang soal rakyat
Do not sleep during court about the people
Bukan paduan suara
Not a choir
Hanya tahu nyanyian
Just know the singing