Iwan Fals Sore Tugu Pancoran english translation
Iwan Fals Sore Tugu Pancoran song lyrics
Iwan Fals Sore Tugu Pancoran translation
Si Budi kecil kuyup menggigil
Little Budi shuddered
Menahan dingin tanpa jas hujan
Holding cold without a raincoat
Di simpang jalan Tugu Pancoran
In the intersection of the Pancoran monument
Tunggu pembeli jajakan koran
Wait for the buyer selling the newspaper
Menjelang magrib hujan tak reda
Before sunset the rain did not abate
Si Budi murung menghitung laba
Little Budi moody calculate earnings
Surat kabar sore dijual malam
The evening newspaper sold the night
Selepas isya melangkah pulang
After night pray stepped home
Anak sekecil itu berkelahi dengan waktu
Such a small boy fights with time
Demi satu impian yang kerap ganggu tidurmu
For the sake of a dream that often disturb your sleep
Anak sekecil itu tak sempat nikmati waktu
That little boy had time to enjoy
Dipaksa pecahkan karang lemah jarimu terkepal
Forced to break the weak rock of your finger plaited
Cepat langkah waktu pagi menunggu
Time goes fast, morning time waiting
Si Budi sibuk siapkan buku
Little Budi busy prepares the book
Tugas dari sekolah selesai setengah
The task from school finished halfway
Sanggupkah Si Budi diam di dua sisi?
Are Budi ready to stay on both side?
Anak sekecil itu berkelahi dengan waktu
Such a small boy fights with time
Demi satu impian yang kerap ganggu tidurmu
For the sake of a dream that often disturb your sleep
Anak sekecil itu tak sempat nikmati waktu
That little boy had time to enjoy
Dipaksa pecahkan karang lemah jarimu terkepal
Forced to break the weak rock of your finger plaited
Anak sekecil itu berkelahi dengan waktu
Such a small boy fights with time
Demi satu impian yang kerap ganggu tidurmu
For the sake of a dream that often disturb your sleep
Anak sekecil itu tak sempat nikmati waktu
That little boy had time to enjoy
Dipaksa pecahkan karang lemah jarimu terkepal
Forced to break the weak rock of your finger plaited