Iwan Fals Columbia english translation
Iwan Fals Columbia song lyrics
Iwan Fals Columbia translation
langit tampak murung seperti gelisah.
the sky looked moody as anxiety.
angin bawa kabar tentang duka.
the wind brought news of grief.
disana... hemm.
there ... hemm.
lolong anjing malam bawa pertanda.
howling dogs of the night bring the omen.
alam bawa kisah unggas resah.
nature brings forth poultry stories.
be sick
saat gelombang lahar hanyutkan ribuan manusia.
when the lava waves drift thousands of people.
tanpa mau mengerti datang tepati janji.
without wanting to understand came the promise.
waktu seorang ibu belai mesra anaknya.
when a mother stroked his son intimately.
gemuruhnya petaka singkirkan jeritan yang ada.
the rumble of catastrophe excludes the screams.
batu batu telanjang menari di nurani.
naked rocks dancing in conscience.
hancurkan rumah rumah.hancurkan kedamaian.
Destroy the house. Destroy the peace.
kolombiaaa... kolombiaaa.
colombiaaa ... colombiaaa.
colombiaaa ... colombiaaa.
sementara kita disini tanpa beban bernyanyi.
while we are here without the burden of singing.
sedangkan mereka gundah disela ganasnya wabah...
while they were dismayed in the ferocity of the plague ...
sementara kita disini asik cumbui mimpi...
while we here cool cumbui dream ...
sedangkan mereka disana rindukan riuhnya pesta...
whereas there they miss the festive party ...
ada sekuntum bunga mekar beecengkrama dengan lahar.
there is a blooming blossom with lava.