Iwan Fals Belum Ada Judul english translation
Iwan Fals Belum Ada Judul song lyrics
Iwan Fals Belum Ada Judul translation
Pernah kita sama-sama susah
Never been equally as difficult
Terperangkap di dingin malam
Trapped in the cold night
Terjerumus dalam lubang jalanan
Fall into potholes
Digilas kaki sang waktu yang sombong
Crushed by an arogant feet of the time
Terjerat mimpi yang indah
Strangled by a beautiful dream
Pernah kita sama-sama rasakan
We've both tasted
Panasnya mentari hanguskan hati
The heat of the sun was scorching hearts
Sampai saat kita nyaris tak percaya
Until when we hardly believe
Bahwa roda nasib memang berputar
That the wheel of fortune is really spinning
Sahabat masih ingatkah
Friends, still remember
do you?
Sementara hari terus berganti
While the day kept changing
Engkau pergi dengan dendam membara
You go with simmering vengeance
Di hati
In the hearts
Cukup lama aku jalan sendiri
For too long I walk alone
Tanpa teman yang sanggup mengerti
Without friend who could understand
Hingga saat kita jumpa hari ini
Until now we meet
Tajamnya matamu tikam jiwaku
The sharp of your eyes stings my soul
Kau tampar bangkitkan aku
You slap me, wake me up
My friend
Sementara hari terus berganti
While the day kept changing
Engkau pergi dengan dendam membara
You go with simmering vengeance
Di hati
In the hearts