Galileo Galilei 老人と海 english translation
Galileo Galilei 老人と海 song lyrics
Galileo Galilei 老人と海 translation
「I love youは私たちの30年を食べてしまった」
"'I love you' consumed 30 of our years"
Father's voice coldly reverberated and darkness followed
I didn't want that voice to capture me, so I ran out the back door
With John, the Silver Garden
I love youを見つけて 見つけて捕まえてさ
Find that 'I love you'! Find it, and seize it!
それから えっと どうしよう? ジョンは尻尾を振るだけ
And then... Um... What should we do? John is just wagging his tail.
そう とにかく元通り 元通りにさせてやるさ
So, anyway, I'll make everything just like before, just like before
そして きっと クリスマス 3人で食べるシチュー
And surely, on Christmas, the three of us will eat stew together
On the main road of an unknown town, two young people were kissing
I love youが現れて僕とジョンを笑ってるよ
'I love you' appeared, and John and I laughed.
We had only three dollars and a blown glass pot in our backpack
二人が吐いた白い息 瓶の中に捕まえたのに
We captured their white puffs of breath in our pot but
I love youはいなかった いなかったよ どうしてさ
'I love you' wasn't there. It wasn't there. Why?!
ねぇ お腹すいたよ 帰ろうかな ジョンは手をなめるだけ
Hey, I'm hungry... Maybe we should head back? John just licks my hand.
そう とにかく遠くへ遠くへ行ってみよう
So, anyway, let's go far away, far away.
そして きっと海につくよ 線路のある海へ
And sure enough, we arrive at an ocean. An ocean with train tracks.
There were small huts on the beach,
On the veranda an old man was looking at the sea
ずっとひとりぼっち? 僕は聞いた
"Have you always been alone?" I asked him.
He stroked John and laughed
「I love youを食べるのに70年もかかっちまった」
"I consumed 'I love you', but it cost me 70 years"
As he spoke, he scooped white fragments from my pot
どうやったの? と驚く僕の手のひらにそれを落とした
"How?" I wondered, surprised, as he dropped them in my palm.
「君が捕まえたんだろう? 優しい坊や ほら家にお帰りよ」
"It looks like you've already caught it. Return home, kind boy."
I love youを見つけた 見つけた
'We found 'I love you'! We found it!
白くてすごく小さな欠片だったよ ジョンと家に走った
It was the white, really tiny pieces! I ran home with John
家に帰ると2人が泣きはらした赤い目で 僕を待ってた
When we returned we found them both waiting for me with red eyes from all of their tears
だからI love you 2人にあげたんだ
That's how I gave them 'I love you'.
Mother said with a nasally voice,
「あらこれって鯨の骨じゃない なつかしいな砂浜と線路…」
"Oh, this... Aren't these whale bones? That brings back memories... A sandy beach and train tracks..."