Galileo Galilei 嵐のあとで english translation
Galileo Galilei 嵐のあとで song lyrics
Galileo Galilei 嵐のあとで translation
あの日歩いた道を 君は覚えている?
Do you remember the road we walked that day?
砂利っぽいアスファルトと 頬撫でていく風
The asphalt like gravel, the wind that stroked our cheeks
バイバイ って言った バイバイ って返した
Bye bye", I said. "Bye bye", you said back.
遠くなった君は 振り返らなかった
You, getting distant, didn't turn back
蹴り上げた日は飛んで 向こう岸へいった
As the sun was kicked through the sky, it was headed for the far shore,
そのまま転がって 夏の海へと落ちた
Rolling along in the same fashion as it fell into the summer sea.
遠いって 感じ でも近い って感じだ
"It feels far away, yet so close"
君のその言葉は ぴったりだと思った
These words of yours, felt perfect
突然 強くふる雨に びしょぬれの僕らの心はすれ違って
Suddenly, drenched in a strong rain, our wet hearts passed each other by.
それでも君は 楽しそうだった
Nevertheless you seem like you are having fun.
この雨が あがったら 君になぜって聞いてみよう
If this rain ever stops, I'll try asking you why.
ぼろいバス停の屋根を ざーざー雨の音が
On the roof of a run-down bus stop, the sound of heavy rain
8のリズムで打って 外の音さえぎって
Struck with 8 different rhythms, blocking the outside noise.
あのさ って言った なに って返した
"Um," I said, and "what?" you replied.
それから黙ったままで 濡れた髪をいじった
After that, in the resulting silence, you played with your wet hair.
突然 強くふる雨に びしょぬれの僕らの心はすれ違って
Suddenly, drenched in a strong rain, our wet hearts passed each other by.
それでも君は 楽しそうだった
Nevertheless you seem like you are having fun.
この雨が あがったら 君になぜって聞いてみよう
If this rain ever stops, I'll try asking you why.
鞄の中に埋もれた 君と交わした約束を
I searched desperately for the promise I made with you, buried deep in my bag,
突きつけてやるつもりで 引っ掻き回してた
Thinking I would thrust it upon your way.
でも引っぱりだしたのはタオルで これ使えよなんてさ
But what I pulled out was a towel, and said "Here, use this."
What the hell am I doing?
突然 あがってく雨の 最後のひとしずくが落ちるまで待っていたんだ
Suddenly, the rain lifted, and we waited for the last drops to fall.
それから君に 伝えるはずだった
I was going to tell you, then...
それも 忘れて "もう行こう"って手を引いた
But I forgot that as well, and said "Let's go," as I took your hand.