BUMP OF CHICKEN ベル english translation
BUMP OF CHICKEN ベル song lyrics
BUMP OF CHICKEN ベル translation
重い体を 最終列車に乗せて
I climb heavily onto the last train
揺れながらなぞる 今日の事
And swaying, I recall the day's events
ホームに降りて 気付いた事は
When I arrive at the platform I realize
無くした切符と 猫背の僕
That I've lost my ticket, and I slouch over
話したい事は 山程あるけど
There's a mountain of things that I want to tell you
But I can't really form them into words
話せたとしても 伝えられるのは
Even if I told you I could only get across
いつでも 本音の少し手前
A tiny fraction Of how I really feel
An earsplitting cellphone ringtone
「元気?」って たずねる 君の声
"How are you?" Your voice inquires
僕の事なんか ひとつも知らないくせに
Even though you don't know a thing about me
僕の事なんか 明日は 忘れるくせに
Even though you'll forget about me by tomorrow
そのひとことが 温かかった
That single question was so warm
僕の事なんか 知らないくせに
Even though you don't know a thing about me
疲れた心を 毛布で隠して
I hide my tired heart in a blanket
ため息でなぞる 今日の事
Sighing, I recall today's events
くしゃみをして 気付いた事は
I sneeze then realize
マンガを買った事と 読まない僕
That I bought some manga, but I never read it
話したい事は 山程あるけど
There's a mountain of things that I want to tell you
But I can't really form them into words
もう寝てしまおう 夢でも見よう
But I can't really form them into words I'll just go to sleep now
Maybe I'll even dream, a deep, bright dream
When I close my eyes I remember
「元気?」って たずねる 君の声
"How are you?" Your voice inquires
僕の事なんか ひとつも知らないくせに
Even though you don't know a thing about me
僕の事なんか 明日は 忘れるくせに
Even though you'll forget about me by tomorrow
そのひとことが 優し過ぎた
That single question
優し過ぎて 言葉もでなくて
Was too kind, was so kind that I couldn't reply
僕の事なんか ひとつも知らないくせに
Even though you don't know a thing about me
僕の事なんか 明日は 忘れるくせに
Even though you'll forget about me by tomorrow
君の声が 温かかった
Your voice was
To me…
話したい事は 山程あるけど
There's a mountain of things that I want to tell you
That I want to tell you, but I've decided not to tell you
電話の後で 僕が泣いた事を
That after the phone call, I cried
You will never know