BUMP OF CHICKEN イノセント english translation
BUMP OF CHICKEN イノセント song lyrics
BUMP OF CHICKEN イノセント translation
子供じみていて恥ずかしいよと 馬鹿にしたけど
People made me feel like a fool, saying I was embarrassing, I acted like a kid
恐らく自分より 素直で勇敢なだけ
I guess that they were more honest and brave than me
努力はおろか行動さえ 起こせないのに
Do I try? I can't even move
周りの奴等は 狡いと決めて
The people around me have concluded that I'm dishonest
恵まれなかったから 才能とチャンス それさえあったら
I wasn't born blessed, if only I had real talent, or a chance
自分が置いていかれたら 逆恨みして
I get left behind hated, misunderstood
あいつは変わったと 欲に目が眩んだと
People say I'm strange, that I'm lost in greed
一人で生きていくもんだと 悟った顔
My face shows that I understand I'm going to live alone
一人でも平気な 世界しか知らない
All I know is a world where I'm fine on my own
頼まれたわけじゃないのに 生活は全部 そんな感じで
It's not like I asked for this. That's just how my whole life has been
誰の声か どうでもいい 言葉と音符があるだけ
I don't care what your voice is like, as long as you have words and music
I'll be by your side
語彙が豊富です 造詣が深いです 機械の力です
My vocabulary is rich, my knowledge is deep that's the power of a machine
水掛け論が得意です あまりよくないあたま
I'm good at winning pointless arguments. I'm not very smart
芸術に関しては 見る目がある気がする
When it comes to art I feel I have a discerning eye
あれは駄目であれは良い 趣味のお話
That's hopeless, that's good it's my hobby
本当はもう解っている 猫に小判なんだって事ぐらい
But I know that it amounts to pearls before swine
君がどんな人でもいい 感情と心臓があるなら
I don't care what kind of person you are, if you have emotions and a heart
君の力になれるように 気付かれなくとも
So that one day I can become your strength, even if you don't realize it
My song will reach you
信じなくていい 手は挙げなくていい
You don't have to believe me, you don't have to raise your hand
認めなくていい 全て君が正しい
You don't have to approve of me, everything you do is right
地球は綺麗事 君も僕も誰でも何でも
Everything you do is right we gloss over the world, you and I, everyone and everything
君の嫌いな ただのとても 綺麗な事
What you hate is just so beautiful
恵まれていたとしても 才能とチャンス 活かせただろうか
Even if I had been born blessed I would have made the best of my talent and chances
自分を嫌えば許される それは間違い
I'll forgive you if you hate me. No that's wrong
自意識が過剰 そもそも嫌えていない
It's just that I'm too self-conscious, and I was never hated from the start
誰の声か どうでもいい 言葉と音符があるだけ
I don't care what your voice is like, as long as you have words and music
ただ力になれるように 愛されなくとも
So that one day I can become your strength, even if you don't love me
I'll be by your side
君がどんな人でもいい 感情と心臓があるなら
I don't care what kind of person you are, if you have emotions and a heart
いつか力になれるように 万全を期して
So that one day I can become your strength, I'll make absolutely sure
My song will reach you
I'll be by your side