BUMP OF CHICKEN Answer english translation

BUMP OF CHICKEN Answer song lyrics
BUMP OF CHICKEN Answer translation
魔法の言葉 覚えてる 虹の始まったところ
I still remember the magic words, a place where the rainbow stretches
あの時 世界の全てに 一瞬で色が付いた
That's when my entire world was stained in color, in a single instant.
転ばないように 気をつけて
I watch my step so I don't fall down
でも どこまでも行かなきゃ
But I need to go as far as I can

久しさで 掴めそうな手が
Because those hands, that seem could grasp rays of sun
酷く 冷たかったから
were extremely freezing

本当の声は いつだって 正しい道を照らしてる
The true voices would always, shine on the right path
なんだって 疑ってるから とても 強く 信じてる
Because I always doubt anything. So now, I really have a strong trust on it

The fact my heart is beating
The fact my breath keeps flowing out and in
心がずっと 熱いことの
The fact my heart remains ever so warm
Those things are giving me a certain reason

雲の向こうの 銀河のように
Just like the Milky Way beyond the clouds
どっかで 無くした 切符のように
Just like ticket that I lost somewhere
生まれる前の 歴史のように
like events that happened before I was born...
You're the one who bring them all

それだけ 分かってる
Those all the only things I know
僕だけ 分かってる
And the one who knows thatis nobody but me

鈍く残った 痛みとか
Just like the remain of light scar
しまってしまった 想いとか
Or memories locked away before their time,
滲んだって 消えないもので
This city is formed
from a blurry thing but never vanishes

魔法の言葉 覚えてる 虹の辿り着いたところ
I still remember the magic words, a place that finally reached by the rainbow
転ばないように 気をつけて
I watch my step so I don't fall down
でも どこまでも行けるよ
But I know I could go as far as I can

なくしたくないものを 見つけたんだって 気づいたら
The moment I realize that I've found things I don't want to lose
こんなに嬉しくなって こんなに怖くなるなんて
I don't know that I could become this happy as well as really afraid

想像つかない 昨日を超えて
Passing through a yesterday beyond my imagination
その延長の 明日を抱えて
And embracing the tomorrow it leads to,
小さな肩 震える今
Now, even with my small shoulders trembling
I still manage to smile!

迷路の奥の ダイヤのような
Like a diamond deep inside the maze
届かなかった 風船のような
Like a balloon I couldn't reach
気づけなかった 流星のような
Like ameteor shower that I couldn't notice
I accepted these tears

だから もう 忘れない
That's why I won't forget anymore
二度と もう 迷わない
I won't lose my way again

心臓が 動いてることの
The fact my heart is beating
吸って吐いてが 続くことの
The fact my breath keeps flowing out and in
心がずっと 熱いことの
The fact my heart remains ever so warm
Those are my certain reasons

砂漠の粒の ひとつだろうと
Nobody knows that it would be
消えていく雨の ひとつだろうと
a single grain dust of desert or a single drops of vanishing rain
貰った 名も知らない 花のように
Just like a nameless flower I've received Those things 
今 目の前にあるから
are right before my eyes now

それだけ 分かってる
Those all the only things I know
僕だけ 分かってる
And the one who knows thatis nobody but me
だから もう 離れない
That's why I won't go away anymore
二度と もう 迷わない
I won't lose my way again