BUMP OF CHICKEN ハルジオン english translation
BUMP OF CHICKEN ハルジオン song lyrics
BUMP OF CHICKEN ハルジオン translation
虹を作ってた 手を伸ばしたら 消えてった
I made a rainbow, but it disappeared as soon as I reached out
ブリキのジョウロをぶらさげて 立ち尽くした 昼下がり
It was an early afternoon when I stood still with a tin watering can dangling in my hand
名前があったなぁ 白くて 背の高い花
It has a name, doesn't it? That tall, white flower
視界の外れで 忘れられた様に 咲いてた
Blooming outside my field of vision, as if forgotten by everyone
色褪せて 霞んでいく 記憶の中 ただひとつ
Among my fading, hazy memories, there is only one
思い出せる 忘れられたままの花
I can remember--that forgotten flower
いつだったっけなぁ 傷を濡らした あの日も
When was it again? That day I washed my scar
滲んだ景色の中で 滲まずに 揺れてた
It kept on swaying clearly in the blurry scenery
いつだったっけなぁ 自分に嘘をついた日も
And when was it again? The day I lied to myself
正しいリズムで 風と唄う様に 揺れてた
It kept on swaying with a perfect rhythm, as if singing with the wind
いつの日も ふと 気付けば 僕のすぐそばで
No matter when, it was always right by my side whenever I suddenly noticed it
どんな時も 白いまま 揺れてた 誰のタメ? 何のタメ?
Swaying at all times with its pure white color--who was it for? What was it for?
生きていく意味を 失くした時
The time I lost my meaning of living
自分の価値を 忘れた時
The time I forgot my own value
ほら 見える 揺れる白い花
Look, I can see that swaying white flower
ただひとつ 思い出せる 折れる事なく 揺れる
The only thing I can remember, swaying, never bending
虹を作ってた 一度 触れてみたかった
I made a rainbow, wanting to touch it just once
大人になったら 鼻で笑い飛ばす 夢と希望
Once I've grown up, I'll probably laugh at my dream and hope with my nose
ところが 僕らは 気付かずに 繰り返してる
But we keep on repeating it without realizing
大人になっても 虹を作っては 手を伸ばす
Even after growing up, I still reach out whenever I make a rainbow
幾つもの景色を 通り過ぎた人に 問う
I ask the people who have gone by many and many sceneries
君を今 動かすモノは何? その色は? その位置は?
What is it that's moving you? What is its color? Where is it?
夢なら どこかに 落としてきた
My dream? I dropped it somewhere
希望と 遙かな距離を置いた
I left it somewhere far away from my hope
ほら 今も 揺れる白い花
Look, that white flower, still swaying even now
僕は気付かなかった 色も位置も知っていた
It knows the color and the place that I didn't realize
虹を作ってた いつしか花は枯れてた
I made a rainbow. The flower withered when I didn't notice
視界にあるのは 数えきれない 水たまりだけ
The only things in my vision were countless puddles
大事な何かが 音も立てずに枯れてた
Something very precious has withered without making a single sound
ブリキのジョウロが 涙で満ちてった
My tin watering can is filled with tears
I'm still
虹を作ってる すがる様に繰り返してる
Making rainbows, again and again, desperately
触れられないって事も 知りながら 手を伸ばす
Even knowing that I can't touch it, I still hold out my hand
名前があったなぁ 白くて 背の高い花
It has a name, doesn't it? That tall, white flower
枯れて解ったよ あれは僕のタメ 咲いてた
I know now that it has withered--it bloomed for me
気付くのが 遅くて うなだれた 僕の目が
Realizing it too late, I hung my head, and my eyes captured
捕らえたのは 水たまりの中の 小さな芽 新しい芽
A glimpse of some small sprouts--new sprouts in the puddles
生きていく意味と また 出会えた
Once again, I've found the meaning of living
自分の価値が 今 生まれた
My own value has been born again, just now
枯れても 枯れない花が咲く
The flower blooms, withering but never withers
僕の中に深く 根を張る
Planting its root deep inside me
ほら ここに 揺れる白い花
Look, the white flower swaying here
僕は気付かなかった 忘れられていた名前
The forgotten name that I didn't realize
If it sways inside me
折れる事なく揺れる 揺るぎない信念だろう
Swaying without bending, it must be my unwavering faith