Aqua Timez ねがお english translation

Aqua Timez ねがお song lyrics
Aqua Timez ねがお translation
目が覚めて 君の寝顔に目をやる
I wake up and look up to your sleeping face
新しい職場に まだ慣れない日々だね
You're not used to your new job these days
君にしか 降らない雨があること
There will be rain that only you
君にしか 咲かせられぬ花があること
There is a flower that only you can make it

伝わるといいな そうこうしているうちに
I hope that it will be transmitted.
You got up while yawning little

100 points is not 100 points
It's not like I liked you perfectly
心は空白を嫌うから 悩み事がそこに居座るけど
My heart hates the blank so trouble sits there
大丈夫 雲は千切れ去り 晴れ渡る
Okay The clouds tear away and clear up

いちいち 傷ついていられないという人も
People say they are not hurt one by one
I wonder what's going on inside
患者さんが 亡くなり別れが来る度
Patient passed away Every time when my death comes
泣いてしまう あなたが僕はね 好きだよ
I like you who will cry

天国という 場所があってもなくても
Whether or not there is a place called heaven
想像して安らげたら それでいいなぁ
Imagine restraining it and that's fine

So that we will meet again
Who can say they can blame and laugh
涙で前が見えない時は 目をつぶって 僕の腕の中で
When you can not see the front with tears, close your eyes
眠ればいい 泣き疲れたら ほら笑おう
As long as you sleepLet's cry when you get tired

100 points is not 100 points
It's not like I liked you perfectly
Not being crying is not happy
笑うためだけに 生まれてきたわけじゃないよ
It was not born to just laugh
心をもって生を授かり 自分の心で生きてくために
Giving a life with a heartTo live with my own mind
生まれてきた 100点をもらうためではなく
I was bornNot to get 100 points