Aqua Timez Mayonaka No Orchestra english translation
Aqua Timez Mayonaka No Orchestra song lyrics
Aqua Timez Mayonaka No Orchestra translation
真夜中の歌が叫んだ 僕本当は、あの日からずっと・・・
The song of midnight cried out and from that day on, i've truly...
赤く透き通る夕暮れのあと 星たちは 空に座り、それぞれの音を奏でていた
After the twilight turned a translucent red, the stars lay in the sky and played their twinkling sounds
素直になれ と言われなくても 涙はもう、僕の思いを連れて
Without evento being told to be more open already my trata brought my feelings along
And vexame a small sea at my feet
空は動かない 日が昇り、降りるだけ
The sky doesnt move, it's just the sun that comes and goes
地面は動かない 君が歩くか、歩かないかだけだ
The ground doesnt move; It's up to you to walk or not
真夜中の歌が叫んだ 僕本当は一人が嫌いだ 大嫌いだ
The song of the midnight cried out i truly hate being alone more than anything
「大切」を知ってしまった あの日からずっと
And from that day on, i learned the hard way of what was important
ああ 幸せなんて 小さなスプーンですくえるくらいで十分なんだ
All i need is being able to Scoop up happiness without a tiny spoon
So longo as i have someone to share it
強がるたびにひびが入る 心はそう
The days I pretended to be strong come back to me
まるでガラス細工が見せる はかない夢
It's like showing my heart glasswork, A fleeting dream
「純粋」をぶつけ合うのが怖いから 僕らは皆
Throwing around purity is scary
すれたフリをして 不透明な世界に住みついた
We've all pretended we've had it at one point in this opaque world we live in
I walked, dragging a heavy freedom along
別れが来るたび 空がとおざかって行くように見えた
When the farewell came, it looked like the sky was leaving
サヨナラの雨がつぶやいた 開いたままの傘があるんだ
The rain of goodbye muttered, and my umbrella was open
ここにあるんだ 開いたままの優しさが この胸にずっと
And now opened kindness will always be in my chest
ああ 僕にはまだ 諦めていない再会がある 約束がある
I haven't given up on the hope that we will meet again
I made a promise to the people who sleep with stardust in their beds
季節のない街にしゃがみ込む 男の子
It was only a matter of showing some kinds
To the boys hugging their knees in the season-less town but event so...
星と見つめあう 寒がりな子供たち・・・・
Those children, so sensitive to the cold, gaze upon the star...
真夜中の歌が叫んだ 僕本当は一人が嫌いだ 大嫌いだ
The song of the midnight cried out i truly hate being alone more than anything
And not knowing whether you'll keep on being alone ...
All i need is being able to scoop happiness with a tiny spoon
There's just the question of if people exist that can share it
真夜中の歌は叫ぶよ 僕本当は、僕本当は・・・ さびしかった
The song of midnight is crying out yruth is ... I was lonelyl
Even if it gets erased in the radiance of the sun
さあ、旗を振ろうか 肩を組もうか ただうたおうか どれでもいいよ
Should we wave the flag now ? Should we come together ? Should we sing ?
Anything is fine there's just the question of whether or not you'll be here or not