Aqua Timez MASK english translation
Aqua Timez MASK song lyrics
Aqua Timez MASK translation
傷一つない心が どこにあるのだろうか
Where can I find a heart that doesn't have a single wound?
首元を通り過ぎる 風に尋ねられた
I was asked by the wind as it blew past my neck.
真っ当な答えなんて 持ち合わせてはいない
I don't have a good answer to this question.
一人一つの命 生き生きと生きるだけ
People, with just one life, are trying their best to thrive
少しだけ青すぎた 春に打ちのめされて
After we were slightly buffeted by the overly green spring,
同じ夏の光を 共にかき分けてきた
together we pushed through summer's radiance.
君の選んだ道に 前向きさよ蔓延れ
On the path you have chosen, I hope positivity would spread,
またいつか 灯しあえますよに
so that we could light each other's way again someday.
"I want you to live without any dark cloud,
so don't hate this temporary rain."
"I want you to live without having to lie;
loneliness is nothing to fret about."
It's been making love lie dormant in your body,
so one day you can bring it out
ずっと ずっと
Always, always
Since the day you were born, always
You, me, him, whoever
Everyone is wandering around at a loss for words
いつか いつか
So that someday, someday,
it will be able to reach
人の輪に入りそびれ どうすることもできず
Missing my chance to enter the circle of people, at a loss for what to do
孤独という虚勢で 季節を着替えるだけ
Putting on a different season from a base called loneliness
逆風に抱かれながら 息絶えてく願いは
While being held by the head wind, the wish to stop breathing
settled down in just the thoughts each held
ここではないどこかに 逃げてしまいたくって
Wanting to run away to somewhere that isn't here
自分じゃない誰かに なってしまいたくって
Wanting to become someone that wasn't myself
とりあえず ありふれた笑顔の一枚奥
A monolith of a smile that was attached forthe time being
What is it that people want?
寝そべった芝生の上 少しだけ泣いた後に
Above a sprawled out lawn After I had cried a bit
ドーナツの穴から覗く 空があまりに青くて
I looked through the hole in a doughnut The sky being too blue
This time I cried with all my might
It's alright if there's no such thing as a time machine
I just want to be able to treasure this moment
けど けど 後悔を手放せず
But, but, without letting go of regret
So that one day I could be close with someone, I chose to be alone
So that we could become one, we broke into pieces
そうさ そうだよ 一生のうちに間に合うようにって
Yes, that's right So that one day it will fit that time in our lives
Even though there's no beautiful name
for those feelings you gave me
They keep dancing
into the sky of memories
「曇らずに生きて欲しい だから雨を嫌わないで」と
"I want You to live without frowning So don't hate the rain"
「嘘はつかずにいて欲しい 寂しくなるだけだから」と
"I want You to live without lies Because that just makes you lonely"
僕の中で迷子になった孤独を 君は探し出して抱きしめてくれた
You, finding the loneliness that had become a lost child in me, held me
もうね 泣いていいんだよって
"It's alright to cry again"
堪えきれるようになってしまって 悲しいのに泣けなかった僕
I had begun to feel like I could hold it back Although I was sad, I didn't cry
ずっと 僕ずっと 泣きたかったんだな
And I've always, always wanted to cry
心に何もかぶせないで 思い切り笑いたかったんだ
Whatever's in your heart, don't cover itWith all my strength, I wanted to smile