Aqua Timez because you are you english translation
Aqua Timez because you are you song lyrics
Aqua Timez because you are you translation
こめかみの内側をかすめる声 その声が笑うまで雲を千切る
On this paper is a hazy voicethat will tear the clouds apart until it can laugh again Thinking that their outstretched hands will grasp nothing but misfortune,
伸ばした手が不幸を掴むかもと 手錠をかけて安らぐ人もいた
there have been people who gambled with the heavens and are now in rest
正しさ 優しさ 悲しさ ごちゃ混ぜになる
Righteousness, kindness, sadness – all become miscellaneous
私にも あなたにも 失くすことのできぬものがあって
You and I both have things that we have lost that we can do nothing about
言葉を探す 空より高く
I search for words higher than the skies
言葉にならず ため息になる
but unable to form it into words, it becomes a sigh
言葉じゃ遠すぎて 君を抱き寄せた
Because words were too distant, I held you close
Tears, stop
いくつものはてなを抱えてきて いくつかの答えを導き出せた
Carrying with me the burden of many questions, I have been able to pave the path to many answers
切なくない愛などないってことも 淋しくない恋などないってことも
even to the fact that there is no love without painful trial,and even to the fact that there is no romance without loneliness
世界の中心は 人の数だけあるのだろう
At the center of the world, there is surely just enough people
私にも あなたにも 叶えたい想いがあるはずで
You and I both have wishes [feelings] that can never be granted
進む速度で 景色は変わる
The scenery changes with the forward speed
急ぐばかりじゃ 見えない光
I search for a light that can't be seen if I only keep hurrying
探して 君の喜ぶ顔を見つけられた やっと
But I have finally found your joyful face
I love you, because you are you
I love you, because you are you
言葉を探す 空より高く
I search for words higher than the skies
言葉にならず ため息になる
but unable to form it into words, it becomes a sigh
言葉じゃ遠すぎて 君を抱きしめた 孤独を讃え合うように
Because words were too distant, I gathered you close in order to bring our solitude together,
生きている事 お互いに 確かめ合うように
in order to make certain to each other that we are alive