Aqua Timez Sen No Yoru Wo Koete english translation
Aqua Timez Sen No Yoru Wo Koete song lyrics
Aqua Timez Sen No Yoru Wo Koete translation
I want to be loved, but you don't seem to love me
愛されたい でも 愛そうとしない
I'll say "I love you" to the person I love
Do you love me? Do you not love me?
僕が見つけた答えは一つ 怖くたって 傷付いたって
As for things like that, it's fine either way
No matter how much I wish
あなたが僕を愛してるか 愛してないか
There are many unchangeable things in this world, right?
なんてことは もうどっちでもいいんだ
That's right, and simply the reality which says that I love you
Is the truth because it can't be changed by anybody
この世界には変えられぬものが 沢山あるだろう
I want to overcome the thousands of nights and tell you
そう そして僕があなたを 愛してるという事実だけは
There's something that I must tell you
I want to be loved, but you don't seem to love me
千の夜をこえて あなたに伝えたい
I want to tell you over a thousand nights
There are things I have to tell
愛されたい でも 愛そうとしない
I'll say "I love you" to the person I love
Do you love me? Do you not love me?
僕が見つけた答えは一つ 怖くたって
I was afraid of the answer I found
傷ついたって 好きな人には好きって伝えるんだ
Tell people you like being hurt because they liked it
I'm scared of words to express my feelings
でも 好きな人には好きって伝えるんだ
But I'll say "I love you" to the person I love
この広い世界で 巡り会う喜びを言葉じゃ言い表せないね
In this wide world, I can't express the joy of encountering you with words very well huh...
だから僕達は微笑み 色鮮やかに過ぎる秋をドレミで唄って
That's why we smile, And sing do-re-mi in the autumn filled with vivid colors
冬を背に 春の木漏れ日を待ち
With winter at our backs, waiting for the sunlight shining through the leaves in spring
新しく生まれ変わる 誰かを守れるようにと
To become born anew, in a way that we're able to protect someone
来た道と行き先 振り返ればいつでも 臆病な目をしていた僕
When I turn back at the road I came from and the way ahead, I always had the eyes of a coward
向き合いたい でも 素直になれない
I want to face you,
but I can't be honest
繰り返しては ひとりぼっちを嫌がったあの日の僕は
As for the days I repeated not being able to straightforwardly love the other, I hated being alone
The me of that day seemed to love in a uninjured way
千の夜をこえて 今あなたに会いに行こう
I'll overcome the thousands of nights and head out to meet you right now
There are things I have to tell
愛されたい でも 愛そうとしない
I'll say "I love you" to the person I love
Do you love me? Do you not love me?
僕が見つけた答えは一つ 怖くたって
I was afraid of the answer I found
傷付いたって 好きな人には好きって伝えるんだ
even if I'm hurt, I'll say "I love you" to the person I love
その想いが叶わなくたって 好きな人に好きって伝える
Even if these feelings aren't returned, saying "I love you" to the person you love
That is the most beautiful thing in the world