Yui Blue wind english translation

Yui Blue wind song lyrics
Yui Blue wind translation
なぜ? あなたはそんな風に語るんだろう?
Why? Why are you talking like that?
黙ってる こんなあたしに…
When I'm not saying a word

My hopes are surely stronger than yours
But I can't put them into words

なぐさめに 来ているつもりなのかな? …ありがと
Have you come to comfort me?...Thank you

YOU あなたが言った ジョークひとつも笑えなかった
You, I couldn't laugh at a single one of your jokes
YOU でも優しかった あなたのことがわかった
You…but I knew you were doing it to be nice

発明家は偉い人だと 教えられた
I've been taugth that inventors are important people
努力する モノを生み出す
They make things that help us

But it's exactly those crowds of people
かしこくて 長生きだ
Who are smart and will live a long life

くやしくて 泣いたりするのもちがう…風のなか
Even crying tears of regret is different…in the wind

YOU あなたが言った 神様はきっと見てるよって
You, you said God is sure to be watching us
YOU 初めて笑えた もっと気のきいたこと言ってよ
You, and I smiled for the first time, say more smart things like that

はじめて 創った歌
Sometimes I sing
The first song I ever wrote, alone

If I start to forget
I search for the person I was in those days

But the place I want to get to
…hasn't changed

YOU あなたが言った 神様の話も 今は
You, even now I'll try and believe what you said about God
YOU 信じてみるよ 歌うことしかできない もう大丈夫よ
You, all I can do is sing, it's OK now

I'll live life my way