UVERworld Just break the limit! english translation
UVERworld Just break the limit! song lyrics
UVERworld Just break the limit! translation
思い続け心に描いた かなえたい100のページ
100 pages of dreams in my heart that I want to fulfill
I believe 本当の勝敗はきっとそこにあるんだ
I believe that's what really decides whether you win or lose
高く放り投げたノート たまたま開いたページに
I threw my notebook high up in the air, and tried writing down
ふと思いつくこと全部 書いてみたんだ
everything that popped into my head on the page it opened at
Things I'm curious about, my first love, what I want, words of people I admire
ここじゃ言えないようなことまで とにかくいろいろ書いた
and things I can't say – I just wrote all kinds of things
そう言ゃぁいつかも 太いペンで 夢を繰り返し書いてたなあ
Then one day, I wrote the dream repeatedly with a thick pen
思い続け心に描いた かなえたい100のページ
100 pages of dreams in my heart that I want to fulfill
The number of things I gave up on is the same as my number of losses
That data produced by my experiences that went badly
諦めなかった数と かなった数も同じってこと証明した
proved that the number of things I didn't give up on was the same as the number of things I achieved
十八の時 始めるには遅いって諦めたピアノ
At 18 I gave up on the piano because I thought it was too late to start
二十歳の時 同じ理由で思い閉じ込めて
When I was 20 I locked the thought away for the same reason
その二年後に諦めきれず 始めたピアノの
Two years later, I started learning the piano and didn't give up
沢山のメロディーが 僕に今をくれた この曲も
It gave me lots of melodies, including this one now
遅すぎることは無いと言ってくれた 88の鍵盤
With the 88 keys that told me it's never too late,
少しずつ音をつなぎ合わせ 明日へ続いていった
I put together sounds, little by little, that continued to tomorrow
きっと自分にはできないと決めて 終わらせてたんだ
I must have decided I couldn't do it and ended it
届く場所も いつからかなんか遠い気がしていた
And at some point I felt even my destination began to feel far away
Or rather...
I know reality exists and glossing over things won't cut it
One day I was in a running race and lost because I slowed down in the last 10m
The frustration I felt still hasn't gone
I believe 本当の勝敗はきっとそこにあるんだ
I believe that's what really decides whether you win or lose
思い続け心に描いた かなえたい100のページ
100 pages of dreams in my heart that I want to fulfill
諦めた数と 敗れた数は同じだった
The number of things I gave up on is the same as my number of losses
That data produced by my experiences that went badly
諦めなかった数と かなった数も同じだよと
Proved that the number of things I didn't give up on was the same as the number of things I achieved
The truth was, I didn't care about being too late
上手くいかなかった経験のほうが 心に残るから怖かった
I was scared because I remember the things that went badly more strongly
諦めることと 大人になることを 背中合わせにはしないで
I won't put giving up back to back with growing up
今度こそはラスト10m ここぞと輝いて
This time, the last 10m will be my moment to shine