UVERworld CHANGE english translation
UVERworld CHANGE song lyrics
UVERworld CHANGE translation
プライドも全て無くした日に 過ちを悔やむその日に
On the day you lose all your pride, on the day when you regret your mistakes
僕は君にこう言う 「やっと全てが揃ったね」
I'll say this to you "Finally everything's become complete"
"Which way should I go to face tomorrow?"
I was asked
"Do not be foolish, do not look for something that does not mean that"
邪気なき 光 今 キラキラに光る眼
Eyes sparkling with an innocent light
その美しさをも取り込み 奪おうとするもの
Take away what you can capture their beauty
The one who killed love was me
きっとこの世界はもう その犠牲のもとで成り立っている
Surely the world is made of sacrifices like this
あの嘘をついたのは僕だから 一人おびえてなかった 心が凍っていた
The one who lied was me, that's why I wasn't afraid of being alone. My heart had frozen
何も恐れないその瞳に 初めて臆病を浮かべた時
When those eyes that were never afraid of anything express cowardice for the first time
僕は君にこう言う 「やっと全てが揃ったね」
I'll say this to you "Finally everything's become complete"
眠れずに今夜もまた 当たらない予感を
Unable to sleep, tonight your hunches aren't right again
馬鹿だな そんな意味も無い夜を過ごすなよ
You're an idiot, Don't spend the nights without meaning like that
邪気なき 光 今 キラキラに光る眼
Eyes sparkling with an innocent light
見抜けよ 慰め優しさは騙す為の手口さ
See through them. Comfort and kindness are deceit tricks
They are the main cause of the desert making figures of auroras
あの手を離したのは僕だから 驚きはしなかった
Because I was the one who let go, I wasn't surprised
夜光虫の光に紛れ 幸せを願うよと うそぶいてるけど 骨まで透けてるよ
Though I declare with indifference, "I wish for happiness under cover of the sea sparkles light", I'm transparent to the bone
What I want to say is that, isn't it?!
簡単に裏切る様を見せりゃ 防衛本能で無意識に
When you show the you who easily betrays, my defensive instincts comes up unconsciously
「痛い思いはしたくない」と 楯突きゃしないだろ
Saying "I don't want to have painful thoughts", you won't do it if I oppose you, will you?!
The one who killed love was me
きっとこの世界は もうその犠牲の上で成り立っている
Surely the world is made of sacrifices like this
The one who lied was me, that's why I wasn't afraid of being alone
People spitting out such things
イメージする その唇が後悔の念を喚くたび
I imagine those lips yell out a sense of regret
僕は君に こう言う「やっと人らしくなれたね」
I say this to you "You've finally become human"
When those eyes that were never afraid of anything express cowardice for the first time
I'll say this to you "Finally everything's become complete"
On the night I decided to live alone
無性に逢いたくなる想いに 人らしさ感じてた
I felt humanity in the feelings of wanting to see you badly