UVERworld 7日目の決意 english translation

UVERworld 7日目の決意 song lyrics
UVERworld 7日目の決意 translation
You are a singing cicada dreaming of winter
もしその願いが明日叶うと知ったら 7日目を生きたのかい?
If you knew that wish will be granted tomorrow, would you live up to the 7th day?
悲しみだけなんて 忘れる事なんて出来ないから
Since you can't forget only the sad things
今は全て忘れても良いよ いつかまた 大事な事だけを思い出せば良い
it's fine to forget everything right now and then, it's fine if someday you remember only the important things

7 days for God to create the world
one week for a school of dolphins to escape before the earthquake
週末の東京駅 毎週泣いてるあの子との7日じゃ
or the 7th day a girl cries consecutively at Tokyo Station during weekend
which one feels like the longest?

If you were to ask
死ぬ以上の悲しみが この世界に在ったか?と問えば
a old man who lost his left hand in the war, "Is there something sadder than death in this world?"
あると言えばあったな 無いと言えば無いがな
If there is he'll say "yes", if there isn't he'll say "no"
It all depends on you

10代最後の日に あと一年頑張って何も変わらなかったら
If you were almost reaching your 10th anniversary, and you worked hard for the rest of that year but if nothing changed
もう人生ごと終わらせようと思ってた でもそれも出来なかった
you'll think of ending your life, but you wouldn't even be able to do that
きっと本当の死ぬ気の覚悟も知らず 生きてきた
Surely it's 'cause you didn't really want to die, so you kept living

You are a singing cicada dreaming of winter
明日こそ願いが叶う事を信じて 7日目を生き抜くんだね
Believing that tomorrow for sure your wish will be granted, you'll live past the 7th day
なあ 僕達もそんな生き方していたいよな?
Say, don't we all want to live like that?
明日からでもなく 何かの記念日でもなく
Not from tomorrow on, not because of a memorial day
It's ok to start changing today, even while crying helplessly

Always being pampered at home
友達が100人いて 恋人が何十人いたって
having 100 friends, having several lovers
満足出来ない人もいて 自らある種の地獄へ向かって行く
There's people that aren't satisfied with that, they'll end up in some hell like that
でも僕は違う 家族に憧れ抱いたままでも
But I'm different: even if I'm yearning for a family
まだ上手く友達も作れずに 恋愛に臆病なままでも
even if I still can't easily make friends, even if I'm a coward in love
前を向いて生きている 幸せも感じている
I'm living while facing forward and I'm happy
Everything is up to me

もう 今日からは死ぬ以上の悲しみは ここに無いと思って生きて行くよ
From today on, let's live while believing there's no such sadness worse than death's
ならもう何も怖くない 誰がどう言おうと構わない
So there'll be nothing to fear, no matter what anyone says, don't mind it
諦める必要もない 強く生き抜くよ
There's no need to give up, let's live strongly

You are a singing cicada dreaming of winter
悲しくなんてないよ 一番大事な事は 叶うとか叶わないじゃない
No need to be sad. What's important isn't whether your wish is granted or not
欲しかった物は 此処に無い未来や過去じゃなく
What I wanted wasn't a future nor a past I don't have
その気持ちを失った時に 僕が僕じゃ無くなってしまう…
If I were to lose these conviction, I would lose myself...
そう思える そんな生き方を
I'll live thinking like that

嬉しくて泣いてる人も 悲しくても笑ってる人にも
The people that cry happily, the people that are sad but laugh
スローライフでゆっくり歩いても 充実感に過ぎる時を忘れていても
those that take life slowly, even those that enjoy everything to the fullest and forget about time

いつかきっと 僕も君も居なくなってしまう
You, I, we'll all die one day for sure
例外無く終わっていく そこにどんな意味があるかなんて分かるはず無い
Everything ends, there's no exception and we can't know for sure what meaning there is to it

でも 君は冬の夢を見て鳴く蝉
But you are a singing cicada dreaming of winter
7日目の夜も 夢を願う時だけは少し強くなれたんだね
Even on the night of the 7th day, while wishing for your dream, you grow a little stronger
なあ 僕達もそんな生き方をしていような
Say, we'll all live like that
その最後まで 忘れたくないよ
Until the end, I don't want to forget
夢を願う時 少し強くなれる僕らの日々
While wishing for our dream, our days grow a little brighter