UVERworld 0 choir english translation

UVERworld 0 choir song lyrics
UVERworld 0 choir translation
ねぇ Baby この世界は汚れて見えるけど
Hey, baby, this world seems impure,
でもね Baby 愛すことは怖い事じゃないよ
but, baby, loving isn't a scary thing.

Let's go!
Let's go!

Hey? How many light years is it from here to a "normal" place?
リンゴの皮を剥くように 心さらけ出したい
I want to open up my heart like one peels the skin off an apple.
人の幸せは 人の不幸の上 成り立つって?
Does the happiness of people consist of the unhappiness of others?
僕がこのプリンを食べたら 死者でも出るのかい?
When I eat this pudding, will even the dead appear?

I like it Baby ねぇ 何もしてあげられなくてゴメン
I like it, baby. "Hey, I'm sorry I can't do anything for you."
そう言って泣く 君から今素敵な物をもらえたよ
I said that and cried. You gave me something wonderful just now.
Though we only search for beautiful things,
we're unable to notice the beauty of those right next to us.
世間にとっての僕や どの時代の総理にも代わりは居る
There's a substitute for me for this world, and there's one for the Prime Minister of any period,
でも それぞれの大切な人の代わりは居ない
but there's no substitute for each person we treasure.
Even if this life lasted for one hundred years,
70億人なら 1人1秒づつ出逢ったって 全員には出逢えない
even if I met one person every second, I wouldn't be able to meet all seven billion people here.
まずいな1秒どころか この先の何10年を
Oh man, far from one second...decades ahead
君に捧げるつもりだから もっと出逢い大事にしておこう
I plan to give to you, so I want to treasure meetings more.

I like it Baby 愛が憎しみに変わって行くなら
I like it, baby. If love changes to hate,
僕を憎んだあの人は 愛してもくれた人かもな
then that person who hates me was probably someone who loved me.

人はしてもらえた事は すぐ忘れがち
People are apt to immediately forget what they had done for them,
してあげた事だけは 忘れずに悲しくなり
and, unable to forget what they've done for others, they get sad.
一人の方がマシだ なんて心に嘘つき
They lie to their hearts, saying "Being alone is better."
そんな事ばっかり言って 愛され方忘れないでね
Don't just say that, and don't forget how to be loved.

ねぇ Baby 誰かが君にリンゴを剥くように
Hey, baby, if someone, as if peeling an apple,
心を全てさらけ出して 捧げてくれたら
bares their whole heart and offers it to you,
なら Baby 次は君がリンゴと言う名の心を
if they do, baby, then next it's fine if you change shape to a rabbit
ウサギの形にでもして 食べさせてあげれば良い
and let them eat your "apple" heart.

Let's go!
Let's go!

ねぇ Baby 愛す事は怖いことじゃないけど
Hey, baby, loving isn't a scary thing, but,
失った物も 失った人も 愛してしまってたから
because we love what we lost, who we lost,
僕もきっとこの先 何百人で過ごそうとも
I'm sure, even if I spend time with hundreds of people,
どこか1人足りないような 寂しさは消えないけど
The loneliness like there's someone missing somehow won't disappear.

失った物ばっかり 数えてちゃいけないだろ?
But you can't just count what you've lost, right?
これから出逢える 素敵な物が沢山あるはずだろ?
There'll surely be many nice things you'll come across next, right?
毎年やり切り 年末は幸せで泣くって決めたし
Because I've decided I'll carry through every year and cry with happiness at the year's end,
年とっても 愛だの夢だの言えそうな仲間も出来たし
even if I get old, I've made friends who can tell me whether it's love or a dream.

ねぇ Baby この世界はまだ汚れて見えるけど
Hey, baby, this world seems impure,
やっぱり僕は産まれてこれて 幸せだと思ってるよ
but I'm still really happy that I was born.
ねぇ baby 約束しよう 世界は素敵だから
Hey, baby, let's make a promise, because this world is wonderful,
まだ死にたくない そう言えるまで 僕達は生きて行こう
"I don't want to die yet" - until we can say that, let's live on.

Let's go!
Let's go!