T.M.Revolution Ignited english translation

T.M.Revolution Ignited song lyrics
T.M.Revolution Ignited translation
優しいその指が 終わりに触れる時
When those soft fingers reach in the end,
今だけ 君だけ 信じてもいいんだろう?
Only now, only you, won't that be all you can believe in?
誰もが崩れてく 願いを求め過ぎて
Everyone is breaking down, searching too long for a wish.
自分が堕ちてゆく 場所を捜してる
You're looking for a place where you can land
傷つけて揺れるしかできない ざわめく想いが 僕らの真実なら
Wounded, unable to stop shaking If these murmuring feelings
壊れ合うから 動けない
Are indeed our reality... We break each other down till we can't even move,
Our solitary wings overlapped;
We've not encountered the light,
Reveal the glare this age gives off.
哀しい眸のままで 口吻けてしまう度
With eyes filled with sadness,With each kiss.
もっとずっと もっとそっと 守れる気がした
Growing greater, growing softer, I felt I'd be protected.
心しか抱き締める物のない 孤独の途中で 見失う世界がある
A heart without even one thing to hold on to. En route to solitude,There is a world losing sight.
変われる事が 怖くなる
Things that can change grow frightening,
In the deep pulsation that lies ahead.
交わす炎に 描かれた
Painted in the exchanged flames,
I can see eternity.
壊れ合うから 動けない
Are indeed our reality... We break each other down till we can't even move,
Our solitary wings overlapped;
We've not encountered the light,
Only the glare this age gives off.
変われる力 恐れない
I don't fear the power to change,
In the deep pulsation that lies ahead.
交わす炎よ 描かれた
Painted in the exchanged flames,
Carry out your destiny.