T.M.Revolution HOT LIMIT english translation
T.M.Revolution HOT LIMIT song lyrics
T.M.Revolution HOT LIMIT translation
Yo! say 夏が 胸を刺激する
Yo! Say, the summer makes my heart pound
With all those bare-legged mermaids around tempting me
出すとこ出して たわわになったら
I'll strut my stuff and if I get some results
宝物(ホンモノ)の恋は やれ 爽快っ
I think real love will come my way for sure
ゴマカシきかない 薄着の曲線は
I know you're on to me
確信犯のしなやかな style!
Because of the stylish way you dress
耐水性の 気持ちに切り替わる
The feelings become waterproof
瞬間の眩しさは いかがなもの
All in one fast, dazzling instant
ココロまで脱がされる 熱い風の誘惑に
A hot wind lures my heart away and strips it naked
負けちゃって構わないから 真夏は
I've got nothing to lose, and you're next
不祥事も キミ次第で
On my list of scandalous summer
妖精たちが 夏を刺激する
The fairies make summer come to life
ナマ足 魅惑のマーメイド
With all those bare-legged mermaids around tempting me
出すとこ出して たわわになったら
I'll strut my stuff and if I get some results
宝物の恋が できそうかい?
Will i find real love?
君じゃなくても バテぎみにもなるよ
Without you I tend to grow restless
暑いばっかの街は 憂鬱で
This hot city is so boring
隙を見せたら 不意に耳に入る
If you let your guard down for an instant
サブいギャグ なんかで涼みたくない
In that moment i'll pounce on you
むせかえる熱帯夜を 彩る花火のように
I dont want to use dumb pickup lines. Just as the fireworks color the nights in the tropics
If you really wanna burst on fire
このまま抱き合って 焦がれるまで
Then, makes love until we burn to a crisp
妖精達と 夏をしたくなる
I want to do summer like the fairies
My hot desire is like a tornado
出すものを 出して 素直になりたい
I'll be gentle with you, i want you to know the real me
君と僕となら it's all right
As long as im with you, it's all right
都会の ビルの海じゃ 感じなくなってるキミを
The sea of buildings in this city are stopping your desire
冷えたワインの口吻(クチヅケ)で 酔わせて とろかして 差し上げましょう
I'll make you mine with a kiss of chilled wine
妖精達が 夏を刺激する
The fairies make summer come to life
ナマ足 ヘソ 出し マーメイド
With mermaids who show their legs and belly-buttons
恋にかまけて お留守 に なるのも
About being defeated by love and not showing up to work
ダイスケ的にも オールオッケー!
Daisuke says it's ALL OKAY!
Yo! say, 夏を 誰と したくなる?
Yo! Say, who do you want to spend your summer with?
一人寝の夜に you can say good bye
You can say goodbye to lonely nights of sleeping alone
奥の方まで 乾く間ないほど
It is a feeling that goes deep down and will not fade
宝物の恋を しま鮮花?
Would you like to have that kind of love?