T.M.Revolution INVOKE english translation

T.M.Revolution INVOKE song lyrics
T.M.Revolution INVOKE translation
擦れ違い急ぐたびに ぶつけ合い散切れ合う
Every time we hurry past each other, we hit and tear ourselves on impact
互いの羽根の傷み 感じている
and we feel the pain of each other's wings
淋しさに汚れた 腕で抱いた
We were embraced in unclean, impure arms
それ以外の何かを 知らないから
because in our loneliness we didn't know any better
繋がる瞬間 目醒める永遠 待ち焦がれる
The moment we connect, eternity will awaken - I long for it
速過ぎる時の 瞬きに晒されて
Exposed in a flickering instant that flew by too fast
独りでは 届かない
I can't reach anything alone
願いなんて 消えそうなコトバじゃ
These mere wishes and fading words
can't get get us anywhere by themselves
じっと瞳(め)を懲らしても 見失ってしまう星
Though I fixed my eyes right on them, I've still lost sight of the stars
誰のものにもならない 光がある
But their light remains, and no one can steal it
口唇 確かめる 生命(いのち)の灯が
The light of our existence is confirmed by our lips
思い詰めたように 眩しいから
It's dazzling from the emotions that are bottled up inside us
愛が先なのか 壊すのが先か 惑わされる
Is it love that lies ahead, or will everything break apart? It bewilders me...
絡み合う熱の 伝えたい真実を
Intertwined in this heat, wanting to speak the truth
誰から 守ればいい?
Who do I protect them from?
キミがいつか 欲しがった想いが
This feeling you wanted so badly once,
If it's there...
速過ぎる時の 瞬きに晒されて
Exposed in a flickering instant that flew by too fast
独りでは 届かない
I can't reach anything alone
願いなんて 消えそうなコトバじゃ
These mere wishes and fading words
絡み合う熱の 伝えたい真実を
Intertwined in this heat, wanting to speak the truth
誰から 守ればいい?
Who do I protect them from?
ここでいつか 欲しがった想いが
This feeling I wanted so badly once...
It lies in you