Joseph Attieh Rouh english translation

Joseph Attieh Rouh song lyrics
Joseph Attieh Rouh translation
ما في داعي تزعل او تاخد موقف مني انت الغلطان والبادي اظلم لا تحرجني
there is no need that you be upset or to take a stand of me you have done wrong and who start is the unjust one, so don't embarrass me
تجرحني دوم وما تقبل يوم جرحي تداوي
you have always had made me feel upset and you never agreed to heal my wounds
لي ما بيزرع خير ما يجرّب يحصد غير العداوي.
who doesn't plant goodness
ولك روح روح لا تخبر عن افعالك
go, go, go, go don't tell people your doings
بطل عندي مسموح احرق حالي كرمالك
its not acceptable anymore to burn myself for you
انت بوجهين بتحكي وتفعل غير لي قلته
you're two faced you talk but do the opposite
ضميرك وين قلي
tell me, where is your conscience
يظهرلي انت بعتوا
seems to me that you sold it
هديتك حبّ وبدالته انت بخيانة
I gifted you with love and you exchanged with betrayal
يا حيف عليك امنتك وخنت الامانة
shame on you I trusted you and you betrayed me