India Martínez Desencantada english translation

India Martínez Desencantada song lyrics
India Martínez Desencantada translation
Se despertaba el sol y me cegó la luz de tu mirada.
The sun was awakening and the light of your eyes blinded me.
Y al ver la claridad tan pronto descubrí que no estabas.
And seeing the clarity as soon as I discovered that you were not.
Y al escuchar tu voz tan pronto descubrí que no había nada.
And hearing your voice as soon as I discovered there was nothing.
Esta locura cruel se apodera de mí, de mi alma.
This cruel madness takes hold of me, of my soul.

Y la noche llegó y la desolación,
And the night came and the desolation
soledad que aquí inunda mi rincón.
Solitude that floods my corner here.
Se torna de un color rojo distante.
It becomes a distant red color.
Ya lejos del calor, mirando un cielo gris de nubes de dolor,
Already away from the heat, looking at a gray sky of clouds of pain
recordándote, para sentir la ilusión perdida,
Remembering you, to feel the lost illusion
perdida en mi mente.
Lost in my mind.

Y esperarte es lo que quiero,
And waiting for you is what I want
y abrazando mi almohada.
And hugging my pillow.
Y esperarte y que me esperes,
And to wait for you and that you wait for me
y sentirme enamorada.
And feel in love.
Y esperarte convenciendo a la voz de la esperanza.
And wait for you to convince the voice of hope.
Y esperarte y no vivir desencantada.
And wait for you and not live disenchanted.

Se despertaba el sol y me cegó la luz de tu mirada.
The sun was awakening and the light of your eyes blinded me.
Y al ver la claridad tan pronto descubrí que no estabas.
And seeing the clarity as soon as I discovered that you were not.
Y al escuchar tu voz tan pronto descubrí que no había nada.
And hearing your voice as soon as I discovered there was nothing.
Esta locura cruel se apodera de mí, de mi alma.
This cruel madness takes hold of me, of my soul.

Y la noche llegó y la desolación,
And the night came and the desolation
soledad que aquí inunda mi rincón.
Solitude that floods my corner here.
Se torna de un color rojo distante.
It becomes a distant red color.
Ya lejos del calor, mirando un cielo gris de nubes de dolor,
Already away from the heat, looking at a gray sky of clouds of pain
recordándote, para sentir la ilusión perdida,
Remembering you, to feel the lost illusion
perdida en mi mente.
Lost in my mind.

Y esperarte es lo que quiero,
And waiting for you is what I want
y abrazando mi almohada.
And hugging my pillow.
Y esperarte y que me esperes,
And to wait for you and that you wait for me
y sentirme enamorada.
And feel in love.
Y esperarte convenciendo a la voz de la esperanza.
And wait for you to convince the voice of hope.
Y esperarte y no vivir desencantada.
And wait for you and not live disenchanted.