Hiba Tawaji Metl El Chajar Mazrouin english translation
Hiba Tawaji Metl El Chajar Mazrouin song lyrics
Hiba Tawaji Metl El Chajar Mazrouin translation
من بيتي ودعني وقللي بخاطرك نحنا رايحين
Departing from my house saying see you later.
قلتلو خليكن عنا نحتا فيكن محميين
I said : please stay with us , we are save only with you.
من بيتي ودعني وقللي بخاطرك نحنا رايحين
Departing from my house saying see you later.
قلتلو خليكن عنا نحتا فيكن محميين
I said : please stay with us , we are save only with you.
قلتلو خليكن عنا نحتا فيكن محميين
I said : please stay with us , we are save only with you.
جاوبني الامر وصلنا نحنا هالعسكر ما منسأل
He answered : we have orders as a militaries we can't refuse.
تراب الوطن كلو النا نحمل خيمنا ونرحل
All the country is ours we carry our tents and go ( as we were ordered ) .
بزوايا الوطن الاربع متل الشجر مزروعين
We act as trees which were planted in the four corners of our country ( to protect it ) .
من بيتي ودعني وقللي بخاطرك نحنا رايحين
Departing from my house saying see you later.
جاوبني الامر وصلنا نحنا هالعسكر ما منسأل
He answered : we have orders as a militaries we can't refuse.
تراب الوطن كلو النا نحمل خيمنا ونرحل
All the country is ours we carry our tents and go ( as we were ordered ) .
بزوايا الوطن الاربع متل الشجر مزروعين
We act as trees which were planted in the four corners of our country ( to protect it ) .
قلتلو صوب ايا جهة رايح ت اسأل عنك
I asked : to which direction are you going so that I can follow your news.
قلي انا على الساحل ورفيقي على بعلبك
He said : to the coast and my friend is going to Ba'lbak.
هالشباب اللي عالعالي
Those guys up there.
شي عالجنوب وشي عالشمال
Some going south , others going north.
بكرا كل ما الغيمة مالت
Tomorrow as soon the sun set.
تبقي لوحيلي بهالشال
wave for me using this shawl.
عسكرنا عالخطر فايت
Our army is going to the danger.
يحميكن من الارهاب
to protect you from terrorism.
تيعيش الشعب بحرية
To make their people live in freedom.
وينام بوطنو امين
and sleep in their country peacefully.
جيش اللبناني بصدرو درعو مش خايف ينصاب
The Lebanon army has it's own shield builtin their chests, the aren't afraid to be wounded.
تيعيش الشعب بحرية وينام بوطنو امين
To make their people live in freedom , and sleep in their country peacefully.
ما في بارودة بتحميكن الا بارودة الجيش
There aren't any guns that protect you expect the army guns.
ما بتفرق بين اساميكن لا بتسال عن ايا دين
It isn't asking about your names nor your religion .
شهادة الموت صارت لالنا عهد و يمين
The death testimony became our pledge and outh.
كرامة الارزة اللي صانت بشلوحا شعبي المتين
For our Cedar Tree which had protected our people with it's branches.
بزوايا الوطن الاربع متل الشجر مزروعين
We act as trees which were planted in the four corners of our country ( to protect it ) .
من بيتي ودعني وقللي بخاطرك نحنا رايحين
Departing from my house saying see you later.
قلتلو خليكن عنا نحتا فيكن محميين
I said : please stay with us , we are save only with you.
جاوبني الامر وصلنا نحنا هالعسكر ما منسأل
He answered : we have orders as a militaries we can't refuse.
تراب الوطن كلو النا نحمل خيمنا ونرحل
All the country is ours we carry our tents and go ( as we were ordered ) .
بزوايا الوطن الاربع متل الشجر مزروعين
We act as trees which were planted in the four corners of our country ( to protect it ) .