Hiba Tawaji Yemken Habaytak english translation

Hiba Tawaji Yemken Habaytak song lyrics
Hiba Tawaji Yemken Habaytak translation
على المحطة لمحته اتطلع فيي كتير
At the station I spotted him staring at me
الهوا البعيونه طير شعري الحرير
The passion that was in his eyes, flying hair of silk
العيون اشتاقوا يضحكوا من دون كلام
The eyes were longing, they laughed without words
ما قدروا اتلاقوا طاروا برف الحمام
They could not meet, they flew behind the birds

لفتة غريبة فيها عشق واسرار
A strange gesture filled with passion and secrets
انا حده قريبة لكن شو اللي صار
I was next to him near, so what happened
هالدخنة عليت وسمعت صوت الصفير
This smoke appeared and I heard the sound of the whistle
المحطة بسرعة فضيت وصار يقوى الهدير
The station quickly emptied and the roar was getting stronger

بين الدخان رحت وفليت
Among the smokers he went and left
مع صوت التران غبت اختفيت
With the sound of the train he disappeared
وياريت حسيت
If only you had felt

انا ما سألتك اسمك انت من وين
I did not ask you your name, where are you from
انا ما حكيتك وحدن حكيوا العينين
I did not speak to you, only the eyes spoke
ببلاد غريبة رسمتك حبي اللي ضاع
In foreign countries I pictured my love who got lost
يمكن حبيتك هارب مني لوين
Maybe I loved you who escaped from me, where to

اولك الصدفة قصدا تجمعنا سوا
Tell me, the coincidence purposefully we were together
بنفس الغرفة رجعنا قعدنا سوا
In the same wagon we came back we sat together
ع سكة واحدة طلعنا بتران الحديد
On the same railroad we got into the iron train
ع الساعة واحدة مشينا ع ليل جديد
At one o'clock we left for a new night
بايده الجريدة بايده التانية غليون
In his hand the newspaper, in the other a pipe
عيونه اجمل قصيدة شِعرا مش موزون
His eyes were the most beautiful poem, poetry not heavy
بلحظة وصلنا نزلنا على الرصيف
In an instant we arrived we went down onto the sidewalk
بين الركاب ضعنا وضاع فيه الرصيف
Between the passengers we got lost and he got lost on the sidewalk

بين الدخان رحت وفليت
Among the smokers he went and left
مع صوت التران غبت اختفيت
With the sound of the train he disappeared
وياريت حسيت
If only you had felt

انا ما سألتك اسمك انت من وين
I did not ask you your name, where are you from
انا ما حكيتك وحدن حكيوا العينين
I did not speak to you, only the eyes spoke
ببلاد غريبة رسمتك حبي اللي ضاع
In foreign countries I pictured my love who got lost
يمكن حبيتك هارب مني لوين
Maybe I loved you who escaped from me, where to