Flower カラフル english translation

Flower カラフル song lyrics
Flower カラフル translation
非常階段座り込んでUmm 雨上がりの空を見てたね
Sitting down on the emergency stairs umm.. Watching the sky after the rain
くちびるを噛みしめながら キミはどんなこと想ってたの?
What kind of things did you think, while biting your lips?
(泣いてないのに) 泣いているみたいな顔してたんだ
(I am not crying) Then why your face looks like you were crying?
(キミの向こう) 儚い虹がぼんやり架かってたんだ
(Beyond you) A fleeting rainbow crossed the sky dimly
(そしてボクは) キミから目が離せなくなって それが恋のはじまりで…
(As for me...) I cannot take my eyes off of you and that is the beginning of love..

どんな色が キミは一番好きですか?
What is your favorite color?
その色を ボクも好きになりたいよ My girl
I want to like that color too, my girl
願わくばキミの世界を カラフルに彩って
My wish is to paint your world colorful
誰にもできないくらいそうキミを 愛してく My girl
I love you so much that it is impossible for anybody else, my girl

たとえばもしも振り返ったらUmm 叶わなかった夢のカケラ
For example, if I look back umm... There are the fragments of a dream that it did not come true
たくさんね 落ちているだろう それはそれで必要な宝物
I guess there are a lot that are lost, in that case an essential treasure
(頼りないけど) ボクの手をずっと握ってるんだよ
(I am not going to rely on you, but...) I clench my hands all the time
(この先はもう) 孤独と仲良くなんてしなくていいよ
(From now on...) You do not have to get along with loneliness
(だってキミは) 淋しさ感じる暇もないほど ボクといつでも一緒だから
(Well, you...) You will not have the time to feel lonely, because you will always be with me

どんな色に キミは憧れてますか?
What color do you adore?
その色で 包み込んであげたいよ My girl
I want to wrap you in that color, my girl
ボクたち名もない花で カラフルに咲いていよう
Let's bloom colorfully with the flower that do not have our names
見たこともないような色をして 咲いていよう My girl
Let's bloom with a color that we have never seen before, my girl

(Which color do you like? どんな色が…
(Which color do you like?What color is it?...)
Which color do you like? どんな色に…)
(Which color do you like?What kind of color?..)

どんな色が キミは一番好きですか?
What is your favorite color?
その色を ボクも好きになりたいよ My girl
I want to like that color too, my girl
願わくばキミの世界を カラフルに彩って
My wish is to paint your world colorful
誰にもできないくらいそうキミを 愛してく My girl
I love you so much that it is impossible for anybody else, my girl

(Which color do you like? どんな色が…
(Which color do you like?What color is it?...)
Which color do you like? どんな色に…)
(Which color do you like?What kind of color?..)