FLOW Senko No Uta english translation

FLOW Senko No Uta song lyrics
FLOW Senko No Uta translation
切り取ったナイフ 月照らすライト
The Knife the cut, the moonlit Life
No dreams to be seen in my blurred eyes
弧を描く一筋のライン またとない今 光らせたいTonight
Long line in an arc, now like never before, I want to shine tonight

Running up a crooked spiral staircase, two in the morning
My shadow from the full moon slides into the night
I want to get out of here fast
ちっぽけな今が 息切らして 出口探してるけど
In this tiny moment, I've lost my breath. I'm looking for the exit but

I cry out at the end of this empty night
暗闇切り裂く 閃光の唄
It cuts the night to pieces, this glinting song
ほんの一瞬でいい ただそう信じて Wow wo
Only for a moment, I'll just keep believing it, Wow wo
理由さえ不確かなまま 僕らは
Even though the reason is unclear, we are...

This repeating, overflowing, and permeating melody
Just hearing it gives me a little more strength
伝わる振動 瞬く残像
Transmitting vibrations, a sparkling afterimage
からっぽな空に轟かして 永遠(とわ)に消え行くまで
Thundering into the empty sky, until it vanishes into infinity

I cry out at the end of this empty night
暗闇切り裂く 閃光の唄
It cuts the night to pieces, this glinting song
ほんの一瞬でいい ただそう信じて Wow wo
Only for a moment, I'll just keep believing it, Wow wo
I shout my voice away within this unbreakable dream
命ごと響け 閃光の唄
Even my core resounds, this glinting song
これが最後でいい ただ光っていたい Wow wo
It's ok if this is the end, I just want to shine, Wow wo
明日さえわからぬまま 僕らは
Even if we don't understand tomorrow, we are...

Ready to spark! spark! spark!
Ready to spark! Spark! Spark!

だから一点突破しっかり決めろ 焼き付けてくぜ ガスバーナー
So we'll decide to break through just a little, and burn in, this gas burner
It's Life鼓動の音色 バチバチ奪い合う火花
It's Life, the beat's timbre. Crackle, goes the struggling spark

Ready to spark! spark! spark!
Ready to spark! Spark! Spark!

I cry out at the end of this empty night
暗闇切り裂く 閃光の唄
It cuts the night to pieces, this glinting song
ほんの一瞬でいい ただそう信じて Wow wo
Only for a moment, I'll just keep believing it, Wow wo
I shout my voice away within this unbreakable dream
命ごと響け 閃光の唄
Even my core resounds, this glinting song
これが最後でいい ただ光っていたい Wow wo
It's ok if this is the end, I just want to shine, Wow wo
Even not understanding tomorrow,
And not having a reason is ok
叫び続けるだけ 僕らは 僕らは
I just keep shouting, We are... we are...