FLOW Ai Ai Ai Ni Utarete Bye Bye Bye english translation
FLOW Ai Ai Ai Ni Utarete Bye Bye Bye song lyrics
FLOW Ai Ai Ai Ni Utarete Bye Bye Bye translation
ほっといて どうなったっていいや
Leave me alone. "What happened?" Well,
I want to throw out everything but
まだこの世界に ぶら下がってるんだよ
I'm still hanging onto this world
どっかで 諦めてないんだ
Somewhere inside me I still haven't given up
まるで夢物語 輝かしいそんな明日を
on the belief that there's a shining tomorrow, like in fairy tales
信じれば 救われると 言ってくれよ こんな時代でも
Even if we are in this era, tell me I'll be saved if I believe
誰かを そう何かを信じていたい自分がいる
Yeah, there's a side of me that wants to believe in someone, in something
それが愛愛 曖昧な感情だって
That's love, love, an ambiguous feeling
ライヤイヤイ Baby It\'s all right
Hey hey Baby It's all right
Delight ヤイ My life 譲れない願い
Delight, hey. You wish for me to not give up my life
これが愛愛愛 合言葉なんだって
This is love, love, love, it's the keyword
ライヤイヤイ Baby It\'s all right
Hey hey Baby It's all right
Tonight ヤイ 不甲斐ない過去に Say good night
Tonight, hey say good night to the disappointing past
心に揺れ続ける 不確かな迷いなら
If there's still doubt swaying in your heart
strike it with love, love, love and say bye, bye, bye to it
A dream reverberates far and deep into my heart
にらめっこしましょう 笑ったら負けよ
Let's play whoever laughs first looses
まだ本気出してないだけさ やれるはずなんだ本当は
I still haven't become serious, and I was going to but the truth is
なんだか 笑えて来ちゃったな
that I somehow ended up laughing
いくつも 失いまた 懲りもせず 探したりして
Regardless how many things you loose don't get upset and look for something else
そうしてまだ 自分の事 嫌いには なれずにいる
That way you won't come to hate yourself
That's love, love, an ambiguous feeling
ライヤイヤイ Baby It\'s all right
Hey hey Baby It's all right
Delight ヤイ My life 譲れない願い
Delight, hey. You wish for me to not give up my life
This is love, love, love, it's the keyword
ライヤイヤイ Baby It\'s all right
Hey hey Baby It's all right
Tonight ヤイ 不甲斐ない過去に Say good night
Tonight, hey say good night to the disappointing past
心に揺れ続ける 不確かな迷いなら
If there's still doubt swaying in your heart
strike it with love, love, love and say bye, bye, bye to it
この世で 誰一人 傷つかない そんな世界はない
In this world there's no one who can't get hurt
痛みを知って誰かを 自分の事を 愛してあげよう
By knowing pain we can love others and ourselves
それが愛愛 最大限の愛だって
That's love, love, the greatest love
ライヤイヤイ Baby It\'s all right
Hey hey Baby It's all right
Blight ヤイ My eyes 輝いた世界
Hey the world shined bright in my eyes
これが愛愛愛 合言葉なんだって
This is love, love, love, it's the keyword
ライヤイヤイ Baby It\'s all right
Hey hey Baby It's all right
Tonight ヤイ 不甲斐ない過去に Say good night
Tonight, hey say good night to the disappointing past
心に揺れ続ける 不確かな迷いならば
If there's still doubt swaying in your heart
完全無欠 天下無敵の 愛愛愛に撃たれてバイバイバイ
love, love, love and say bye, bye, bye to it